Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 52 52 100.0

line true false branch
14 8 82 if $SETUP_DONE
17 4 78 if $Moo::sification::disabled
31 8 170 if (delete $DID_INJECT{$name})
32 4 4 unless ($Moo::Role::INFO{$name})
47 74 166 if ($Moo::Role::INFO{$name}) { }
63 114 138 if $DID_INJECT{$name}
68 62 76 if (my $info = $Moo::Role::INFO{$name}) { }
62 14 elsif (my $cmaker = 'Moo'->_constructor_maker_for($name)) { }
69 32 30 unless $info->{'attributes'}
88 8 114 if (my $inflators = delete $spec->{'moosify'})
94 62 76 $am_role ? :
99 62 76 if (my $info = $Moo::Role::INFO{$name})
121 2 6 exists $_->{'init_arg'} ? :
126 116 6 unless $spec{'traits'}
132 4 118 if $spec{'is'} eq "lazy" or $spec{'is'} eq "rwp"
134 22 100 if (my $isa = $spec{'isa'}) { }
2 98 elsif ($coerce) { }
136 16 6 if (my $mapped = $TYPE_MAP{$isa}) { }
138 4 12 unless (&Scalar::Util::blessed($type) and $type->isa("Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint"))
143 6 6 $coerce ? :
150 8 10 if ($coerce)
174 128 4 unless $MOUSE{$name}
182 2 2 if $seen_name{$attr_name}++
192 62 70 if ($am_role) { }
56 14 elsif ($am_class) { }
212 46 10 if ($meta_meth = $meta->find_method_by_name("meta") and $meta_meth->body == \&Moo::Object::meta)