Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 26 50.0

line true false branch
60 12 12 if (exists $params{$_}) { }
65 6 0 if ref $self->{'_attr'}{$_} eq 'HASH' and exists $self->{'_attr'}{$_}{'default'}
91 0 0 unless $old_arg->{'spec'} =~ /(\w+).*/ and $argname eq $1
102 0 2 if (not &GetOptions(\%commandline, @params)) { }
108 0 2 if ($commandline{'help'})
109 0 2 if ($commandline{'version'})
110 0 2 if ($commandline{'usage'})
118 50 10 if exists $_->{'required'}
119 0 2 unless (exists $commandline{$_})
132 0 2 if (exists $ENV{'NAGIOS__HOST' . $_->{'env'}})
135 0 2 if (exists $ENV{'NAGIOS__SERVICE' . $_->{'env'}})
143 0 4 if $self->{'opts'}{$field}
192 0 0 if $self->{'_attr'}{'url'}