Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 28 42.8

line true false branch
25 1 21 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
1 20 elsif (@_ % 2) { }
26 1 0 if (defined $_[0] and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH')
62 24 0 unless $action eq 'cursor'
76 22 8 'ARRAY' eq ref $_[0] ? :
90 21 2 if ($key =~ /\$/)
186 0 0 if @_ and not $collection or @_ and $collection and not $collection->isa('MongoDB::Collection') || $collection->isa('Mango::Collection')
193 0 0 if $collection
226 0 0 if values %{$$cri{'select'};}
227 0 0 if values %{$$cri{'order'};}
228 0 0 if $$cri{'options'}{'limit'}
229 0 0 if $$cri{'options'}{'offset'}
254 4 0 if $$args[0]
333 4 0 if defined $$args[0]