Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 28 85.7

line true false branch
17 0 4 if (ref $param ne 'HASH')
22 4 0 if ($param)
28 2 2 unless ($read_config)
29 1 1 if (my $config_param = $mojo->config('Util-RandomString'))
45 14 6 if (ref $param{$_} and ref $param{$_} eq 'HASH') { }
47 0 14 if $created{$_}
50 0 14 unless ($generator{$_} = 'Session::Token'->new(%{$param{$_};}))
72 2 2 unless (exists $generator{'default'})
88 206 12 unless ($_[1])
91 2 204 if ($gen and not exists $generator{$gen})
101 2 10 unless @_ % 2
104 2 8 if $gen eq 'default'
107 6 2 if ($setting{$gen})
115 2 2 unless exists $mojo->renderer->helpers->{'random_string'}