Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 47 58 81.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
307 0 0 $c->app->log->warn($@) and return

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
90 37 0 20 $_[3] and ref $_[3] eq "HASH"
17 8 12 $_[2] and ref $_[2] eq "HASH"
112 0 22 35 exists $values{'num_format'} and ref $values{'num_format'} ne "CODE"
124 56 0 1 &blessed($t) and &blessed($t) eq "Mojo::URL"
136 26 10 8 $_[1] == -1 and $_[0] > 4
182 5 9 7 $_[0] >= 3 and $_[0] <= $_[1] - 2
235 26 10 20 $_[1] == -1 and $counter <= $_[0]
279 29 0 28 $url and length $url > 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
25 3 0 $param ||= {}
42 1 0 $$plugin{"${_}_end"} ||= ""
48 1 2 $_->{'current_start'} //= "["
49 1 2 $_->{'current_end'} //= "]"
50 0 3 $_->{'page_start'} //= ""
51 0 3 $_->{'page_end'} //= ""
52 1 2 $_->{'prev'} //= "<"
53 1 2 $_->{'next'} //= ">"
54 1 2 $_->{'separator'} //= " "
55 1 2 $_->{'ellipsis'} //= "..."
56 1 2 $_->{'placeholder'} //= "page"
81 56 1 $_[0] // 1
106 31 0 $values{$_ . "_end"} ||= ""

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
136 13 8 36 $_[1] >= 7 or $_[1] == -1 and $_[0] > 4
235 59 20 36 $counter <= $_[1] or $_[1] == -1 and $counter <= $_[0]