Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 38 68.4

line true false branch
23 1 0 if ($self->session_store and not 'Mojolicious::Controller'->can('session_options'))
39 0 13 unless $self->session_store
44 1 12 unless ($session_id and $session)
48 1 12 unless $session
52 0 12 if not my $expires = delete $$session{'expires'} and $expiration
53 0 12 if defined $expires and $expires <= time
55 0 12 unless $$stash{'mojo.active_session'} = keys %$session
57 1 11 if $$session{'new_flash'}
63 0 15 unless $self->session_store
67 2 13 unless my $session = $$stash{'mojo.session'}
68 0 13 unless keys %$session or $$stash{'mojo.active_session'}
72 0 13 if $$stash{'mojo.static'}
74 12 1 unless keys %{$$session{'new_flash'};}
79 13 0 if $expiration or $default
82 13 0 unless $c->session_options->{'no_store'}
106 1 12 unless my $session_id = $c->signed_cookie($self->cookie_name)
107 0 12 unless my $session = $self->session_store->fetch($session_id)
115 0 13 if ($c->session_options->{'expire'} or defined $$session{'expires'} and $$session{'expires'} <= time) { }
4 9 elsif ($c->session_options->{'change_id'}) { }