Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 50 70.0

line true false branch
44 13 3 if (/^POST$/u)
47 1 12 unless ($type =~ m[^application/json\b]iu)
53 1 11 if ($@)
63 2 1 if (/^GET$/u)
69 1 1 if ($@)
86 1 11 unless (defined $self->requestId)
95 1 10 unless (my $service = $data->{'service'})
103 1 9 unless (my $method = $data->{'method'})
121 1 8 unless $self->service eq $service
127 0 8 unless $self->can("allow_rpc_access")
134 1 7 unless $self->allow_rpc_access($method)
140 0 7 unless $self->can($method)
152 3 6 if ($@) { }
156 2 4 if (eval { do { $reply->isa('Mojo::Promise') } }) { }
171 2 2 if (not $self->stash->{'mojo.rendered'})
180 0 7 if ($self->log->level eq "debug")
183 0 0 unless ($ENV{'MOJO_QX_FULL_RPC_DETAILS'})
184 0 0 if (length $request > 60)
202 0 4 if ($self->log->level eq "debug")
204 0 0 unless ($ENV{'MOJO_QX_FULL_RPC_DETAILS'})
205 0 0 if (length $debug > 60)
218 2 0 if (/HASH/u and $exception->{'message'})
226 3 0 if (/.+/u and $exception->can("message") and $exception->can("code"))
248 1 8 if ($self->crossDomain) { }
263 0 16 if ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq "DESTRUCT"