Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 34 76.4

line true false branch
27 10 0 $app->mode eq 'development' ? :
30 0 10 if (my $config_param = $app->config("Notifications"))
34 1 9 unless keys %$param
40 16 2 if (index($engine, "::") < 0)
46 1 17 ref $param->{$name} ? :
55 18 0 if $_->can("styles")
56 18 0 if $_->can("scripts")
68 0 77 if not $type =~ /$TYPE_RE/u or not $debug and $type eq "debug"
73 26 51 if ($notes = $c->stash('notify.array')) { }
90 16 55 unless @_
101 11 44 if ($flash and ref $flash eq "ARRAY")
116 9 46 unless $notes->size or @_
119 46 0 if (exists $engine{$e_type}) { }
141 21 40 if ($c->res->is_redirect)
146 10 11 if ($c->flash("n!.a"))
149 10 0 if ($notes) { }
159 21 0 if ($notes)