Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 42 83.3

line true false branch
18 5 3 $file =~ /^(.*)\.([^.]+)$/ ? :
21 7 1 unless file_name_is_absolute($file)
22 4 4 if $mode and not file_name_is_absolute($mode)
23 7 1 unless $mode and -e $mode
28 1 7 if (-e $file) { }
4 3 elsif (exists $conf->{'base_config'} and exists $conf->{'config_files'}) { }
2 1 elsif (not $conf->{'default'} || $mode) { }
39 1 3 if ($mode)
43 0 1 unless $config->{$key}
0 1 unless $mode_config->{$key}
46 1 3 if ($conf->{'default'})
50 0 1 unless $default_config->{$key}
1 0 unless $config->{$key}
56 0 2 unless $current->{$key}
0 2 unless $config->{$key}
68 1 3 unless ref $args->{'config_files'} eq 'ARRAY'
70 1 3 unless -r $ini
73 0 2 if (ref $args->{'base_config'} ne 'HASH') { }
89 1 5 if $stanza eq 'default' and $key eq 'config_files'
93 3 2 exists $cfg_overload->{$stanza}{$key} ? :
111 4 4 exists $cfg->{$stanza} && ref $cfg->{$stanza} eq 'HASH' ? :