Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 25 58 43.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
195 1 2 0 defined $str and length $str
239 0 1 3 $tail >= 2 && $tail < 5
246 6 0 0 $tail >= 10 && $tail < 21

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
141 1 0 $conf ||= {}
142 0 1 $$conf{'money_delim'} //= '.'
143 0 1 $$conf{'money_digit'} //= ','
145 0 1 $$conf{'datetime'} //= '%F %H:%M'
146 0 1 $$conf{'time'} //= '%H:%M:%S'
147 0 1 $$conf{'date'} //= '%F'
148 0 1 $$conf{'tz'} //= 'local'
150 0 1 $$conf{'phone_country'} //= 7
151 0 1 $$conf{'phone_region'} //= 495
217 1 0 clean_phone($phone, $$conf{'phone_country'}, $$conf{'phone_region'}) || ''
318 8 0 $tz //= 'local'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
157 0 1 0 $tz // $$conf{'tz'}
165 0 1 0 $tz // $$conf{'tz'}
172 0 2 0 $tz // $$conf{'tz'}
179 0 2 0 $tz // $$conf{'tz'}
186 0 2 0 $tz // $$conf{'tz'}
234 6 0 0 $one //= $str
235 6 0 0 $two //= $str . 'a'
236 6 0 0 $many //= $str . 'ов'
327 0 0 8 not $dt or $@