Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 24 83.3

line true false branch
24 1 0 ref $opt->{'action'} ? :
30 50 3 if ($req->method eq 'POST' and grep {$_ eq $req->url->path;} @$actions)
39 5 45 unless ($wrapper)
43 1 44 if ($req->url->path ne $wrapper->{$TERM_ACTION})
48 23 21 if (my $err = validate($wrapper->{$TERM_SCHEMA}, $req->params))
57 1 52 if ($c->res->headers->content_type =~ qr"^text/html" and $c->res->body =~ qr/
62 1 0 unless ($sessid)
81 1 0 unless (ref $html)
82 1 0 $charset ? :
89 1 17 unless grep {$_ eq $action;} @$actions
121 68 3 if ($value and $secret and $value =~ s/--([^\-]+)$//)
123 64 4 if secure_compare($sig, &hmac_sha1_sum($value, $secret))