Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 40 69 57.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
39 12 0 2 exists $$opts{'prefer'} and ref $$opts{'prefer'} eq ref []
84 0 1 2 exists $attr{'id'} and not defined $attr{'id'}
113 0 17 2 ref $new eq ref {} and not %{$new;}
126 0 1 11 defined $code and $code
141 0 0 12 defined $country and $country
173 17 0 0 defined $c->stash->{'i18n'} and my $l = $c->stash->{'i18n'}->languages
197 22 0 22 defined $lng_avail{$l} and $lng_avail{$l}
204 1 0 21 defined $loaded and lc $loaded eq lc $l
270 21 0 0 defined $opts{'names'} and ref $opts{'names'} eq ref {}
290 27 0 12 defined $candidate and $candidate
344 2 0 11 defined $lang and $lang
363 1 0 2 defined $codes and $codes
364 0 2 0 ref $codes and not ref $codes eq ref []
383 1 0 1 defined $codes and $codes
384 0 1 0 ref $codes and not ref $codes eq ref []
403 0 0 2 defined $names and $names
424 0 0 3 defined $attr and $attr
430 1 0 2 defined $$self{'_conf'}{'html_attr'}{'name'} and $$self{'_conf'}{'html_attr'}{'name'} =~ /\A\S+\Z/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
35 5 9 $$opts{'select'} || $$plugin{'_conf'}{'select'} || ''
82 12 2 delete $attr{'name'} || 'country'
100 2 5 shift() // {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
81 3 11 0 $$opts{'html_attr'} or $$plugin{'_conf'}{'html_attr'}
147 6 6 0 $plugin->_check_codeset($app, $codeset) // $$plugin{'_conf'}{'codeset'}
240 0 21 0 $self->_check_codeset($c, $opts{'codeset'}) || $$self{'_conf'}{'codeset'}