Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 26 100.0

line true false branch
19 2 33 unless ($id)
33 5 28 unless $result->rows
47 2 24 unless ($params{'resource_name'})
53 1 46 if (exists $params{$key} and length $params{$key} > 255)
59 1 22 if (length $params{'resource_name'} < 3)
75 2 20 if $error
84 1 5 unless ($id)
89 1 4 if (ref $id)
121 1 3 if $error
128 1 6 @params % 2 ? :
131 3 2 if (exists $to_update{'resource_name'} and length $to_update{'resource_name'} > 255 || length $to_update{'resource_name'} < 3)
154 1 3 if $error
178 1 6 if $error