Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 104 24.0

line true false branch
30 0 1 if (my $config_param = $mojo->config('BlogSpam'))
47 0 1 if (my $log_path = delete $params->{'log'})
60 2 7 if $params->{$_}
62 1 0 if %options
85 3 1 unless $obj->agent
88 3 1 unless ($obj->ip)
91 1 2 if (my $ip = $headers->to_hash->{'X-Forwarded-For'})
96 2 1 unless ($obj->ip)
122 0 0 if $_[-1] and ref $_[-1] and ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE'
125 0 0 unless ($self->ip and $self->comment)
136 0 0 unless $self->{$1}
140 0 0 if $option_string
143 0 0 if $self->{'site'}
146 0 0 if ($cb)
183 0 0 if $_[-1] and ref $_[-1] and ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE'
186 0 0 unless ($self->comment and $train and $train =~ /^(?:ok|spam)$/u)
192 0 0 if $self->{'site'}
195 0 0 if ($cb)
204 0 0 $res ? :
213 0 0 if $self->_xml_rpc_call('classifyComment', (%{$self->hash;}, 'train', $train, @site))
227 0 0 if $_[-1] and ref $_[-1] and ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE'
230 0 0 if ($cb)
257 0 0 if $_[-1] and ref $_[-1] and ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE'
262 0 0 unless $site
265 0 0 if ($cb)
301 0 0 unless $res
308 0 0 unless $response
314 0 0 unless $response =~ /^(OK|ERROR|SPAM)(?:\:\s*(.+?))?$/u
317 0 0 if $1 eq 'OK'
320 0 0 if (my $log = $self->{'log'})
327 0 0 if ($1 eq 'ERROR') { }
338 0 0 if $1 eq 'ERROR'
354 0 0 unless $array
370 0 0 unless $hash
387 1 0 if (%options or $self->{'base_options'})
393 0 1 if (exists $options{'fail'}) { }
0 1 elsif ($base->{'fail'}) { }
394 0 0 if $options{'fail'}
406 6 1 unless $options{$n} or $base->{$n}
410 1 1 ref $base->{$n} ? :
2 0 $base->{$n} ? :
416 0 1 ref $options{$n} ? :
1 1 $options{$n} ? :
424 1 0 if @options
435 0 0 if ref $_[-1] and ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE'
450 0 0 if ($param)
454 0 0 if (ref $param) { }
461 0 0 if $param->{$_}
481 0 0 if ($cb)
491 0 0 unless ($res)
506 0 0 unless 'Mojo::IOLoop'->is_running
516 0 0 unless ($res)