Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 46 60.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
47 3 0 2 blessed $log and my $l = $log->can('print') || $log->can('info')
0 0 1 defined $log and not ref $log
158 1 1 58 $_[7] and $_[7] - $_[2]->header_size - $_[2]->start_line_size

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
44 8 1 reftype $log // ''
119 75 29 $_[1]->headers->header($block) // '-'
122 18 0 $_[2]->headers->header($block) // '-'
140 0 0 $block // ''
143 0 0 $block // ''
156 7 0 $_[0]->local_address // '-'
177 65 1 $_[2]->code // '-'
184 7 0 $$env{'REMOTE_USER'} // ''
7 37 $_[3]->base->userinfo || '-:'
226 9 0 ($$conf{'lf'} // $/) // "\n"
261 614 0 (&$_(@args))[0] // ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
34 7 2 0 $$conf{'log'} // $app->log->handle
47 1 1 0 $log->can('print') || $log->can('info')
99 8 1 0 $$conf{'format'} // $DEFAULT_FORMAT
226 0 0 9 $$conf{'lf'} // $/
266 44 111 0 shift() // qr/([^[:print:]])/