Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 16 81.2

line true false branch
31 29 20 if ($value)
35 15 34 if ($multiline) { }
9 25 elsif ($type eq 'expr' || $type eq 'escp' and $value and substr($value, 0, length($self->helper) + 1) eq $self->helper . ' ') { }
0 25 elsif ($type eq 'expr' || $type eq 'escp' and $value and $value =~ $self->helper_re) { }
36 6 9 if ($type eq 'expr' or $type eq 'escp' or $type eq 'line') { }
51 9 0 unless (($$line[$j + 2] || '') eq 'text')
64 9 40 if ($args and not $multiline)
66 9 0 if $lexem