Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 52 69 75.3

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
191 0 3 $tx->res->error({"message", "Unsupported protocol: $proto"}) and return $loop->next_tick(sub { $self->$cb($tx); } )
205 0 55 push @new, $queued and next

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
55 64 877 3 $self->{'pid'} and $self->{'pid'} ne $$
209 59 771 0 $test && $stream->is_readable
233 994 12 10 $close and not $res->code
1006 6 4 $close and not $res->code and not $res->error
306 818 31 3 @$queue and @$queue >= $max
316 60 0 897 not $url->is_abs and my $server = $self->server

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
15 0 54 $ENV{'MOJO_CLIENT_DEBUG'} || 0
92 53 13 $self->{'connections'} // {}
202 1056 68 $self->{'queue'}{$loop} //= []
305 849 0 $self->{'queue'}{$c->{'ioloop'}} //= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
56 877 67 0 $self->{'pid'} //= $$
158 1 0 1 $tx->error or not $tx->res->is_success
1 0 1 $tx->error or not $tx->res->is_success or not $tx->keep_alive
191 179 2 3 $proto eq "http" or $proto eq "https"
181 0 3 $proto eq "http" or $proto eq "https" or $proto eq "http+unix"
205 24 31 832 $found or not grep({$_ eq $name;} @$queued)
302 80 0 871 $close or not $tx
80 0 871 $close or not $tx or not $max
0 20 851 $close or not $tx or not $max or not $tx->keep_alive
20 2 849 $close or not $tx or not $max or not $tx->keep_alive or $tx->error
327 0 914 0 $loop->next_tick(sub { } ) or $loop->one_tick
332 0 20 0 $self->{'connections'}{$id}{'timeout'} ||= $loop->timer($t, sub { $self->_error($id, "Request timeout"); } )
345 12 10 2459 not my $tx = $c->{'tx'} or $c->{'writing'}