Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 81 88 92.0

line true false branch
25 3 971 $content->is_multipart ? :
974 845 unless @_
28 1 844 if $content->is_multipart
37 8 318 if $self->{'body_params'}
43 42 276 if ($type =~ m[application/x-www-form-urlencoded]iu) { }
30 246 elsif ($type =~ m[multipart/form-data]iu) { }
67 0 133 if $self->content->is_multipart
69 5 128 @_ ? :
74 8291 170 unless @_
87 1172 3927 $self->{'finished'}++ ? :
92 0 1955 if $self->{'fix'}++
97 22 1933 if ($content->is_multipart) { }
46 1887 elsif ($content->is_chunked or $headers->content_length) { }
99 19 1890 if ($content->is_dynamic) { }
110 1151 1867 if not defined $chunk or length $chunk
134 0 74 if $self->content->is_multipart
136 11 63 $pointer ? :
142 2 2690 if $self->{'error'}
147 2074 616 unless ($self->{'state'})
151 44 2030 if $len < 0
152 3 2071 if $len > $self->max_line_size
154 2028 43 if $self->extract_start_line(\$self->{'buffer'})
159 2591 96 if $state eq "content" or $state eq "finished"
163 6 2681 if $max and $max < $self->{'raw_size'}
166 5 2676 if $self->headers->is_limit_exceeded
169 3 2673 if $self->content->is_limit_exceeded
171 2046 627 $self->emit('progress')->content->is_finished ? :
177 1 1 if $content->is_multipart
188 679 0 $charset ? :
222 1 277 unless defined(my $chunk = $self->$method($offset))
225 131 146 unless my $len = length $chunk
238 345 375 unless ($self->{$method})
244 566 154 $all ? :
247 17 0 if ++$_[0]{'limit'}
254 237 61 unless $content->is_multipart
261 61 151 if ($part->is_multipart)
266 0 151 unless my $disposition = $part->headers->content_disposition
268 62 89 if $upload and not defined $filename or not $upload and defined $filename
270 1 88 unless defined $name
271 54 34 unless $upload
273 88 0 if ($charset)
274 87 1 if $name
275 32 56 if $filename
276 54 34 unless $upload