Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 50 92.0

line true false branch
18 2 13 unless $err
20 2 11 if ref $spec ne "ARRAY" or @$spec % 2
28 4 16 if $checks eq "default"
30 3 13 ref $checks eq 'ARRAY' ? :
32 5 8 if $is_obj and not $is_re and $err->isa($c)
33 3 10 if $is_re and $str =~ /$c/u
38 1 10 unless $handler ||= $default
47 15 117 if @{$self->line;}
55 85 32 if (my $zero = $self->frames->[0])
59 54 85 unless -r $file->[0] and open my $handle, "<", $file->[0]
65 23 9 if @sources
70 165 15 defined $_[1] ? :
73 4 1 @_ > 1 ? :
75 0 1 unless eval "package $class; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Exception'; 1"
1 4 if (not $class->can('new')) { }
1 3 elsif (not $class->isa('Mojo::Exception')) { }
87 50 210 unless ($str =~ /\n$/u)
88 10 40 @$frames ? :
90 196 64 unless $self->verbose
93 63 1 if (@$line)
100 64 0 if (my $max = @$frames)
128 0 108 unless defined $sources->[0][$num - 1]
134 39 411 if (my $previous = $num - $i) < 0
141 0 540 if (my $next = $num + $i) < 0
142 147 393 unless defined $sources->[0][$next]