Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 62 1.6

line true false branch
20 5 0 if $_[0]->cleanup
23 0 0 unless -r (my $file = path((shift())->pid_file))
28 0 0 if $pid and kill 0, $pid
39 0 0 if -e (my $file = path($self->pid_file))
42 0 0 eval { do { $file->spurt("$pid\n")->chmod(420) } } ? :
0 0 if (my $err = eval { do { $file->spurt("$pid\n")->chmod(420) } } ? undef : $@)
43 0 0 if $self->app->log->error(qq[Can't create process id file "$file": $err])
57 0 0 if $Mojo::Server::Prefork::Config{'d_pseudofork'}
60 0 0 unless pipe $self->{'reader'}, $self->{'writer'}
70 0 0 $self->workers > 0 ? :
71 0 0 unless $w->{'graceful'}
82 0 0 unless +(shift())->{'writer'}->syswrite("$$:$_[0]\n")
88 0 0 if (not $self->{'finished'}) { }
0 0 elsif (not keys %{$$self{'pool'};}) { }
91 0 0 $graceful > $spare ? :
0 0 $graceful ? :
110 0 0 unless my $w = $self->{'pool'}{$pid}
114 0 0 if not $w->{'graceful'} and $w->{'time'} + $interval + $ht <= $time
117 0 0 $self->{'graceful'} ? :
119 0 0 if $graceful and not $w->{'quit'}++
120 0 0 if $graceful and $graceful + $gt <= $time
124 0 0 if $w->{'force'} or $self->{'finished'} and not $graceful
132 0 0 unless defined(my $pid = fork)
133 0 0 if $pid
159 0 0 unless my $w = delete $self->{'pool'}{$pid}
163 0 0 unless $w->{'healthy'}
176 0 0 unless Mojo::Util::_readable(1000, fileno $reader)
177 0 0 unless $reader->sysread(my $chunk, 4194304)
182 0 0 unless my $w = $self->{'pool'}{$1}
183 0 0 if @$w{"healthy", "time"} = (1, $time)
184 0 0 if ($2)