Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 46 93.4

line true false branch
19 5 1 if (exists $$config{'backend'})
22 0 0 if $self->config->{'debug'} and $@
27 2 3 if $backend->can($method)
29 0 5 if $@
35 9 87 unless $self->backend
36 2 85 if $cb and not $self->backend->support_async
37 2 83 if not $cb || $self->backend->support_sync
56 16 22 ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? :
59 7 26 if (not $self->_raw and my $serialiser = $self->backend->get_serialiser) { }
60 3 4 if $cb
63 11 15 if $cb
69 8 10 ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? :
72 5 12 if (not $self->_raw and my $serialiser = $self->backend->get_serialiser) { }
73 2 3 if $cb
76 6 6 if $cb
82 2 10 ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? :
85 2 8 if $cb
90 2 10 ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? :
93 2 8 if $cb
98 2 5 ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? :
101 2 3 if $cb
106 4 5 ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? :
109 4 4 if $cb