Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 67 84 79.7

line true false branch
13 3 34 unless ($rpc_response)
22 10 24 ref $rpc_response eq 'HASH' && exists $rpc_response->{'error'} ? :
37 35 2 if ($method eq 'POST') { }
2 0 elsif ($method eq 'GET') { }
38 0 35 if ($log->is_level('debug'))
43 2 33 unless eval { do { $request = decode_json($req->body); 1 } }
44 2 33 if ($decode_error)
54 0 2 if (exists $params->{'params'})
56 0 0 unless eval { do { $decoded_params = decode_json($params->{'params'}); 1 } }
58 0 0 if ($decode_error)
65 0 2 exists $params->{'id'} ? :
0 2 defined $decoded_params ? :
74 0 35 if (ref $request ne 'HASH' and ref $request ne 'ARRAY')
81 27 8 ref $request eq 'HASH' ? :
82 4 38 if (ref $obj ne 'HASH')
87 37 1 if exists $obj->{'method'}
88 4 34 unless (defined $method and $method =~ /^[A-Za-z_\.][A-Za-z0-9_\.]*$/msx)
98 27 7 if exists $obj->{'params'}
99 1 26 if (defined $params and ref $params ne 'ARRAY' and ref $params ne 'HASH')
110 0 5 if (not exists $obj->{'id'} && defined $obj->{'id'} and exists $obj->{'version'} and defined $obj->{'version'} and $obj->{'version'} eq '1.1')
122 28 5 exists $obj->{'id'} ? :
123 5 28 unless (exists $obj->{'id'} and defined $obj->{'id'})
126 26 7 if (defined $params)
127 0 26 if (ref $params ne 'ARRAY' and ref $params ne 'HASH') { }
144 2 35 if (ref $methods eq 'MojoX::JSON::RPC::Dispatcher::Method')
145 2 0 if ($methods->has_error)
150 1 34 if (scalar @{$methods;} == 0)
160 34 0 ref $methods eq 'ARRAY' ? :
161 9 33 if ($m->has_error)
166 31 2 if exists $$rpcs{$m->method}
168 31 0 if defined $rpc and exists $rpc->{'method'}
169 31 2 if (defined $code_ref) { }
184 14 17 exists $rpc->{'with_svc_obj'} && $rpc->{'with_svc_obj'} ? :
3 28 exists $rpc->{'with_mojo_tx'} && $rpc->{'with_mojo_tx'} ? :
3 28 exists $rpc->{'with_self'} && $rpc->{'with_self'} ? :
22 3 ref $m->params eq 'ARRAY' ? :
25 6 defined $m->params ? :
190 1 30 if ($@)
193 1 0 if (ref $handler eq 'CODE') { }
204 28 5 if (not $m->is_notification or $m->has_error)
208 2 32 scalar @responses > 1 ? :
222 34 0 exists $trans{$code} ? :