Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 56 39.2

line true false branch
60 0 28 if $proto_pages and @$proto_pages
65 0 28 unless $c->check_view_permission
70 2 26 if ($rev and defined $page->content_version) { }
77 1 1 defined $content ? :
78 1 1 unless ($stash->{'rev'})
93 0 26 unless ($content)
101 1 27 if ($content and not defined $content->precompiled)
141 3 0 if ($search_type eq 'subtree')
153 0 0 if ($search_type eq 'subtree')
154 0 0 unless $hit->{'path'} =~ /$fixed_path/mx
162 0 0 if ($c->pref('check_permission_on_view'))
163 0 0 if ($c->user_exists)
165 0 0 unless $perms->{'view'}
179 0 0 if ($page->path ne '/')
204 0 3 if ($result_count)
214 0 0 if ($result_count > $results_per_page)
221 0 0 $pager->last_page > 10 ? :
267 13 22 if ($c->user_exists) { }
304 0 1 if $tag
314 1 0 if ($c->pref('check_permission_on_view'))
316 0 1 if ($c->user_exists)
349 0 0 if ($c->pref('check_permission_on_view'))
351 0 0 if ($c->user_exists) { }
356 0 0 if ($anonymous)
377 0 5 if $tag
383 5 0 if ($c->pref('check_permission_on_view'))
385 0 5 if ($c->user_exists)
449 2 0 unless ($c->user_exists)