Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 20 65.0

line true false branch
54 0 24 unless my $backend_class = $CLASSES{$type}
98 3 20 if (defined $stash_params)
117 2 21 if (my $rpc_response_cb = delete $req_storage->{'rpc_response_cb'}) { }
125 0 20 if (ref $rpc_response eq 'HASH' and exists $rpc_response->{'error'}) { }
126 0 0 if defined $error_handler
129 0 20 if defined $success_handler
148 1 7 if (ref $rpc_response eq 'HASH' and $rpc_response->{'stash'})
171 1 7 if (ref $rpc_response eq 'HASH' and keys %$rpc_response == 1 and exists $rpc_response->{'status'})
175 2 18 if ($rpc_response_handler)
196 0 0 if ($rpc_response_handler)