Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 22 53 41.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
34 14 1 1 -r $self->pid_file && $self->pid_file->slurp
36 0 0 1 $pid and kill 0, $pid
45 0 0 1 $file->spurt("$pid\n")->chmod(420) && $self
149 0 0 0 not $self->{'stop_signal'} and $need-- > 0
159 0 0 0 not $w->{'graceful'} and $w->{'time'} + $ht <= $time
164 0 0 0 $gt and $w->{'graceful'}
0 0 0 $gt and $w->{'graceful'} and $w->{'graceful'} + $gt < $time
220 2 6 1 $self->{'pid'} and $self->{'pid'} != $$
222 0 7 1 $path and -e $path
225 3 0 5 $worker_pipe and -S $worker_pipe->hostpath

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
69 8 6 $self->{'pool'} ||= {}
86 1 1 $ENV{'MOJODCTL_LISTEN'} || 'http://*:8080'
107 6 0 'IO::Socket::UNIX'->new('Listen', 1, 'Local', $path, 'Type', 2) || die("Can't create a worker pipe: $@")
132 0 0 kill($signal, $w->{'pid'}) // 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
42 0 1 0 $self->{'pid'} ||= $$
91 4 3 0 $ENV{'MOJODCTL_LOG_LEVEL'} ||= $ENV{'HARNESS_IS_VERBOSE'} ? "debug" : ($ENV{'HARNESS_ACTIVE'} ? "error" : "info")
174 0 0 0 $self->{'select'} ||= "IO::Select"->new($self->worker_pipe)
182 0 0 0 $w->{'graceful'} ||= $time