Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 38 89.4

line true false branch
37 9 12 @_ > 1 ? :
45 0 14 unless $str
46 2 12 if &blessed($str) and $str->isa("Mojo::SQLite")
54 2 10 if exists $options{'sqlite_unicode'}
58 4 8 unless $url->has_recognized_scheme
59 5 7 if ($url->scheme eq 'file') { }
2 5 elsif ($url->scheme ne 'db') { }
65 0 11 unless $url->has_recognized_engine and $url->canonical_engine eq "sqlite" and ($url->host // '') eq '' || $url->host eq 'localhost'
70 0 11 if $url->dbname eq ":temp:"
79 2 121 unless ($self->{'pid'} //= $$) eq $$
81 96 0 if $dbh->ping
13 110 unless $self->{'queue'}
87 26 1 if ($self->options->{'wal_mode'} and not $self->options->{'no_wal'})
95 20 23 if $_[0] == &DBD::SQLite::INSERT()
106 6 123 if (my $parent = $self->parent)
109 121 2 if $dbh->{'Active'}
118 3 126 if not $self->{'migrated'} and $self->auto_migrate
121 6 123 $parent ? :
130 1 16 if (my $options = shift())