Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 50 84.0

line true false branch
22 1 6 unless my $timer = $$self{'timers'}{shift()}
23 0 6 if UV::timer_again($$timer{'watcher'}) < 0
37 3 3 $UV++ ? :
49 685 55175 unless $$self{'running'}
50 7 55853 unless UV::run(1)
57 0 34 unless defined $remove
58 5 29 if (ref $remove) { }
60 3 2 if (exists $$self{'io'}{$fd})
63 3 0 if $w
67 28 1 if (exists $$self{'timers'}{$remove})
70 28 0 if $w
96 1 23 unless my $io = $$self{'io'}{$fd}
99 18 5 if $read
100 17 6 if $write
103 9 14 unless ($w = $$io{'watcher'})
105 0 2 if UV::poll_stop($w) < 0
2 21 if ($mode == 0) { }
110 0 55807 if $status < 0
111 54850 957 if 1 & $events
113 5511 50296 if 2 & $events and $$self{'io'}{$fd}
116 0 21 if UV::poll_start($w, $mode, $cb) < 0
145 3 30 if $recurring and $after < 1
150 24 122 unless $recurring
154 0 33 if UV::timer_start($w, $after, $recur_after, $wrapper) < 0
167 1 60506 unless eval { do { $self->$cb(@_); 1 } }