Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 40 75.0

line true false branch
32 1 0 if @context
41 1 29 if $handler
46 18 11 if $path
50 6 23 if ($is_dir) { }
3 20 elsif ($path_level) { }
52 0 6 if $path =~ m[/$]u
65 0 9 unless $handler = 'Mojo::File'->new($file)->open('>>')
76 0 30 unless $handle ||= $self->handle
78 0 30 unless $handle->print(encode('UTF-8', $msg))
87 17 3 $LEVEL{$level} ? :
20 10 if $level //= ''
91 0 120 length $_ == 1 ? :
100 27 0 if @call
117 0 30 unless not $LEVEL{$level} or $self->is_level($level)
122 27 3 if $self->trace
127 1 29 if $self->{'context'}
129 27 0 $trace->[0] eq 'main' ? :
27 3 if $trace and @$trace
134 10 20 if (my $handle = $self->handler($level))
147 0 6 unless &Scalar::Util::blessed($self) and $self->isa('Mojo::Log::Che')