Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 36 41.6

line true false branch
29 0 41 unless my $class = ref $self || $self and $attrs
31 0 41 if ref $value and ref $value ne 'CODE'
34 1 40 ref $attrs eq 'ARRAY' ? :
35 0 43 unless $attr =~ /^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$/
38 14 29 if (ref $value) { }
16 13 elsif (defined $value) { }
41 0 0 exists $_[0]{$attr} ? :
0 0 if @_ == 1
49 0 0 exists $_[0]{$attr} ? :
0 0 if @_ == 1
57 0 0 if @_ == 1
64 0 4 unless my $flag = shift()
67 0 4 if ($flag eq '-base') { }
0 4 elsif ($flag eq '-strict') { }
1 3 elsif (my $file = $flag and not $flag->can('new')) { }
79 4 0 if ($flag)
93 0 0 @_ > 1 ? :
0 0 @_ ? :