Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 38 84.2

line true false branch
37 9 67 unless &blessed(scalar $self->cgroups) and $self->cgroups->isa("Mojo::Collection")
49 11 65 unless &blessed(scalar $self->process) and $self->process->isa("Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess") or ref $self->process eq "CODE"
55 11 54 unless &blessed(scalar $self->process)
60 17 48 if $_->name or $_->parent
61 48 0 if $self->group
62 48 0 if $self->name
63 65 0 if defined $self->group or defined $self->name
65 38 27 if $self->subreaper
67 7 58 if $self->pid_isolation
71 34 31 unless $self->pre_migrate
87 28 27 if $self->clean_cgroup
97 31 34 if $self->pre_migrate
101 4 1 if $self->pre_migrate
103 1 4 if ($self->unshare & 536870912 and $self->namespace->unshare($self->unshare) == 0) { }
2 2 elsif ($self->namespace->unshare($self->unshare) != 0) { }
112 0 1 if $self->subreaper
113 1 0 if $self->unshare & 131072
126 21 44 if defined $self->unshare
138 0 55 if $@