Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 22 77.2

line true false branch
31 1 16 if (ref $args[0] and &blessed($args[0]) and $args[0]->isa('Mojo::DOM'))
36 2 25 if (ref $args[0] and &blessed($args[0]) and $args[0]->isa('Mojo::URL') and ref $args[1] and ref $args[1] eq 'CODE') { }
48 1 0 if ($result->is_success)
51 1 0 if ($feed_obj)
54 0 7 if $feed->{$_} eq ''
55 0 1 if scalar @{$feed->{'items'};} == 0
64 2 23 unless $feed_obj
67 32 129 if $feed->{$_} eq ''
68 0 23 if scalar @{$feed->{'items'};} == 0
76 3 10 if (ref $_[-1] and ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE')
80 3 10 if ($cb) { }