Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 89 95 93.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
206 4990 1663 _combinator([reverse(@$_)], $current, $tree, $scope, 0) and return 1
262 15 33 $_ ne $current and return undef

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
53 4 12 1554 $current ne $scope and $current->[0] ne 'root'
16 0 1554 $current ne $scope and $current->[0] ne 'root' and $current = $current->[3]
68 657 7 1 not defined $value and defined $value_re
69 7 31 626 defined $value && defined $value_re
105 1151 703 2187 @$selectors and ref $selectors->[-1]
156 1440 1 69 (my $name = $1) =~ s/^([^|]*)\|// && $1 ne '*'
157 1441 4 65 defined $alias and length $alias
1445 64 1 defined $alias and length $alias and not defined $ns{$alias}
158 1441 4 64 defined $alias && length $alias
198 186 55 10 $pc->[1] eq 'has' || $pc->[1] eq 'is' || $pc->[1] eq 'not' and grep {_is_scoped($_);} @{$$pc[2];}
251 0 44 8 $current->[3] && $current->[3][0] eq 'root'
255 0 18 21 $current->[0] eq 'tag' and exists $current->[2]{'href'}
320 124 2884 6575 $is_tag and $type eq 'tag'
124 1658 1226 $is_tag and $type eq 'attr'
321 134 3220 3221 defined $s->[1] and not $current->[1] =~ /$s->[1]/
322 3277 59 18 defined $s->[2] and not _namespace($s->[2], $current)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
12 0 2 $ENV{'MOJO_DOM58_CSS_DEBUG'} || 0
186 41 9 $2 || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
30 0 1083 0 ref $class || $class
68 344 1 664 not $name =~ /$name_re/ or not defined $value and defined $value_re
69 38 371 255 not defined $value && defined $value_re or $value =~ /$value_re/
140 6 5 265 $name eq 'has' or $name eq 'is'
11 44 221 $name eq 'has' or $name eq 'is' or $name eq 'not'
198 15 50 186 $pc->[1] eq 'has' || $pc->[1] eq 'is' || $pc->[1] eq 'not'
236 25 35 144 exists $current->[2]{'checked'} || exists $current->[2]{'selected'}
248 2 2 54 $_->[0] eq 'comment' || $_->[0] eq 'pi'
254 13 13 1034 $class eq 'any-link' or $class eq 'link'
26 13 1021 $class eq 'any-link' or $class eq 'link' or $class eq 'visited'
260 20 20 981 $class eq 'only-child' or $class eq 'only-of-type'
268 27 46 900 $class eq 'nth-of-type' || $class eq 'nth-last-of-type'
271 297 46 630 $class eq 'nth-last-child' or $class eq 'nth-last-of-type'