Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 126 15.8

line true false branch
18 1 2 if exists $param{-'dbh'} and $param{-'dbh'}
19 1 2 if (exists $param{-'connector'} and my $cname = delete $param{-'connector'})
20 1 0 if "$cname" eq '1'
24 0 1 if (@_)
25 0 0 @_ > 1 ? :
30 1 0 if (exists $param{-'dbh'} and my $hname = delete $param{-'dbh'})
31 1 0 if "$hname" eq '1'
34 0 0 if (@_)
35 0 0 @_ > 1 ? :
39 0 0 if defined $self->{$hname} and $self->{$hname}->ping
45 0 3 if (%param and %{$pkg->Defaults;})
52 0 0 unless $ps eq $ds
54 2 1 if %param
57 0 3 if exists $param{'TraceLevel'} and defined $param{'TraceLevel'}
103 3 2 ref $proto ? :
104 15 5 if ref $proto
111 0 0 unless @args and $args[0] =~ /^DBI:/i
114 0 0 unless (eval { do { $dbh = $class->SUPER::connect(@args) } })
123 0 0 if ($$self{"dbh.$tag"} //= $self->connect)->ping
132 0 2 if (my $cnf = $param->cnf)
134 0 0 unless $cnf =~ /\.cnf$/
135 0 0 if not -r $cnf and defined $param->cnfdir
136 0 0 unless -f $cnf and -r $cnf
139 0 0 if defined $param->cnfgroup
147 0 2 %custom ? :
153 0 2 defined $param->host ? :
2 0 defined $param->port ? :
165 0 0 unless @args
167 0 0 if ($args[2] and $_ = length $args[2] and $_ > 1)
221 0 0 if @_ >= 2 or @_ == 1 and $_[0] ne 'have_innodb'
229 0 0 if exists $variables->{'ignore_builtin_innodb'} and ($variables->{'ignore_builtin_innodb'} // '') eq 'ON'
231 0 0 if @_ == 1 and $_[0] eq 'have_innodb'
257 0 0 if defined $args[0]
258 0 0 unless $schemata = $self->selectcol_arrayref($sql, $args[1])
262 0 0 unless (eval { do { my $sql = 'SHOW DATABASES'; $sql .= sprintf(q[ LIKE '%s'], $args[0]) if defined $args[0]; die unless $schemata = $self->selectcol_arrayref($sql, $args[1]); @$schemata = grep((!/^(?:\#|lost\+found)/), @$schemata); 1 } })
282 0 0 unless (eval { do { my $sth = $self->table_info('', @args); @$tables = map($_->[2], @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref;}); 1 } })
307 0 0 if (defined $opts) { }
319 0 0 if @$rs >= 1 and @{$rs->[0];} != 2
335 0 0 if ($_->[1] eq 'DEFAULT') { }
340 0 0 $_->[1] eq 'YES' ? :
359 0 0 if ($self->mysqld_version =~ /^(\d+)\./ and $1 >= 5)
376 0 0 unless defined $schema and length $schema
377 0 0 unless defined $table and length $table
389 0 0 unless defined $schema and length $schema
392 0 0 if defined $table_pattern
402 0 0 unless $engine =~ /^\w+$/
405 0 0 $major == 5 && $minor >= 1 ? :
0 0 $major > 5 ? :
414 0 0 if ($line =~ /^-+$/ and length $buffer) { }
0 0 elsif ($line =~ /^-+$/) { }
0 0 elsif (not length $title) { }
0 0 elsif ($line =~ /^=+$/) { }
454 0 0 unless eval { do { ($space) = $self->selectrow_array("SELECT CONCAT(TRUNCATE(DATA_FREE / 1024, 0), ' kB')\nFROM information_schema.TABLES\nWHERE\n TABLE_SCHEMA = ?\n AND TABLE_NAME = ?", undef, $schema, $table); $space ne '0 kB' } }
456 0 0 if $comment =~ /InnoDB free: (\d+ \w+)/
480 0 0 if ($repl->{'Slave_SQL_Running'} // '') =~ /^Yes/i
495 0 0 if ($state =~ /^Modified db pages\s+(\d+)$/m) { }
496 0 0 if $1 == 0
504 0 0 unless (eval { do { $self->global_var('innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct', 0); $self->do('FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK'); my($quiesced, $count) = (0, 0); while (++$count < $self->quiesce_timeout) { my $state = $self->engine_status('InnoDB')->{'buffer_pool_and_memory'}; if ($state =~ /^Modified db pages\s+(\d+)$/m) { ++$quiesced, last if $1 == 0; } else { die "Failed to check dirty pages\n"; } ; sleep 1; } ; $quiesced } })
518 0 0 unless (@_)
525 0 0 unless (@_)
538 0 0 unless &looks_like_number($value)
544 0 0 unless (eval { do { ($old) = $self->selectrow_array(sprintf('SELECT @@%s.%s', $scope, $var)); $value = "'${value}'" unless &looks_like_number($value); $self->do("SET $scope $var = $value"); ($new) = $self->selectrow_array(sprintf('SELECT @@%s.%s', $scope, $var)); 1 } })
548 0 0 wantarray ? :