Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 28 75.0

line true false branch
12 1 1 if (@_ and shift() eq 'have')
23 0 3 unless $class = ref $class || $class and $attrs
25 0 3 if ref $default and ref $default ne 'CODE'
28 0 3 ref $attrs eq 'ARRAY' ? :
29 0 3 unless $attr =~ /^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$/
36 1 2 if (not defined $default) { }
46 1 1 ref $default eq 'CODE' ? :
55 0 3 if $ENV{'MOJO_BASE_DEBUG'}
56 0 3 unless eval "$code;1"
10 7 if (@_ == 1)
8 2 if exists $_[0]{'b'}
10 4 if (@_ == 1)
1 2 if exists $_[0]{'c'}
3 0 if (@_ == 1)