Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 34 58.8

line true false branch
55 6 5 if $self->{'mfs_requests'} == 0
64 20 30 if (ref $writeq eq 'ARRAY') { }
82 10 0 if ($writeq) { }
109 31 11 if ($timeout_key) { }
112 31 0 if ($timeout_key =~ /\A[a-z_]+\z/) { }
128 31 0 if $mfs_pool
131 11 0 if $mfs_pool
142 0 6 unless my $expire = $self->{'mfs_expire'}
145 2 4 if ($now >= $expire)
147 2 0 if ($expire_cb and $self->sock)
162 0 0 if ($close_reason =~ /\A:event_(?:hup|err)\z/) { }
165 0 0 if $self->{'mfs_pool'}
188 9 0 if ($mfs_pool)
194 1 8 if ($inflight_cb and $close_reason)
195 0 1 if ($close_reason eq ':retry') { }
214 0 14 unless $mfs_pool
238 11 0 $mfs_pool ? :