Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 8 112 7.1

line true false branch
26 5 42 if @_ == 3
30 0 47 if (my $worker = 'MogileFS::ProcManager'->is_child) { }
47 0 elsif (defined $v) { }
40 30 47 if @_ == 3
113 0 0 if $dummy_workerport
116 0 0 if not $config and -r $DEFAULT_CONFIG
119 0 0 if ($config and not $skipconfig)
120 0 0 unless open my $cf, "<$config"
133 0 0 if $line =~ /^\s*(\#.*)?$/
134 0 0 unless $line =~ /$configLine/
137 0 0 if $cmdline{'debug'}
180 0 0 if $cfgfile{'plugins'}
181 0 0 if $cmdline{'plugins'}
190 0 0 if defined $cfgfile{'listen'}
195 0 0 /:/ ? :
201 0 0 if defined $cmdline{$name}
202 0 0 if defined $cfgfile{$name}
210 0 0 unless $rv
215 77 0 if @_ == 2
217 0 77 unless defined $conf{$k}
223 0 0 unless ($sto and $sto->ping)
238 0 0 unless ($sversion == $expect_ver or 'MogileFS::Config'->config('no_schema_check'))
253 0 0 unless $min_fidid
262 0 0 unless $key
278 0 0 unless $has_cached_settings
279 0 0 unless (defined $val)
280 0 0 if exists $server_settings{$key}
288 0 0 unless defined $fallback
289 0 0 if (not $has_cached_settings and $fallback)
299 0 0 unless $have_memc_module
303 0 0 if $last_memc_server_fetch > $now - 30
308 0 0 unless @servers
323 0 0 if $key eq 'fsck_checksum'
324 0 0 if $key =~ /^fsck_/
335 0 0 unless $_[0]
338 0 0 unless $v
339 0 0 if $v =~ /^(0|f|off|n)/i
340 0 0 if $v =~ /^(1|t|on|y)/i
345 0 0 unless $v
346 0 0 if $v =~ /^\d+$/
353 0 0 if $v =~ /$re/
359 0 0 unless $n
370 0 0 if ($key =~ /^slave_/)
371 0 0 if ($key eq 'skip_devcount')
372 0 0 if ($key eq 'skip_mkcol')
373 0 0 if ($key eq 'case_sensitive_list_keys')
374 0 0 if ($key eq 'memcache_servers')
375 0 0 if ($key eq 'memcache_ttl')
376 0 0 if ($key eq 'internal_queue_limit')
379 0 0 if ($key eq 'network_zones')
380 0 0 if ($key =~ /^zone_/)
383 0 0 if ($key =~ /^queue_/)
385 0 0 if ($key eq 'fsck_checksum')
388 0 0 if $v eq 'off'
389 0 0 if $v eq 'class'
390 0 0 if 'MogileFS::Checksum'->valid_alg($v)