Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 28 64.2

line true false branch
123 0 7 if ($trivial_syntax) { }
131 0 7 unless $prefix =~ /\A(?:$root_notleaf_rx:: (?:$notroot_notleaf_rx::)*)?\z/x and not $prefix =~ /(?:\A|[^:]::)\.\.?::/
139 2 1 unless $list_modules or $list_prefixes or $list_pod
147 3 2 $prefix eq '' ? :
151 3 2 $prefix eq '' ? :
156 18 37 unless my $dh = 'IO::Dir'->new($dir)
158 213 723 if ($list_modules and $entry =~ /$pm_rx/ or $list_pod and $entry =~ /$pod_rx/) { }
304 573 elsif ($list_prefixes || $recurse and 'File::Spec'->no_upwards($entry) and $entry =~ /$dir_rx/ and -d 'File::Spec'->catdir($dir, $entry)) { }
169 0 304 if exists $seen_prefixes{$newpfx}
170 304 0 if $list_prefixes
172 0 304 if $recurse
175 37 0 unless $list_pod and $use_pod_dir
177 0 0 unless $dh = 'IO::Dir'->new($dir)
179 0 0 if ($entry =~ /$pod_rx/)