Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 34 0.0

line true false branch
18 0 0 unless -d 'xt'
19 0 0 unless my(@content) = grep({not $_ =~ /^[.]/;} )
21 0 0 if grep {not -d $_;} @content
25 0 0 if @unknown
39 0 0 unless $Module::Install::ExtraTests::use_extratests
43 0 0 -d 'xt/author' ? :
44 0 0 -d 'xt/release' ? :
45 0 0 -d 'xt/smoke' ? :
46 0 0 $Module::Install::AUTHOR ? :
55 0 0 unless $Module::Install::ExtraTests::use_extratests
72 0 0 unless eval "require $harness_class; 1"
76 0 0 unless eval "\$${harness_class}::verbose = $verbose; 1"
81 0 0 exists $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTING'} ? :
0 0 if $author_tests and exists $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTING'} ? $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTING'} : $is_author
84 0 0 if $release_tests and $ENV{'RELEASE_TESTING'}
87 0 0 if $smoke_tests and $ENV{'AUTOMATED_TESTING'}
100 0 0 if /\.t$/ and -f $_