Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 90 51.1

line true false branch
47 0 2 unless chdir $index_dir
51 0 2 unless chdir $cwd
65 4 0 if ('File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($dir)) { }
107 0 24 if ($ignore_names{$_})
113 0 24 if (/(\~|\.bak)$/)
119 2 22 unless -f $fname
122 16 6 if (/\.pm$/) { }
4 2 elsif (/\.plx?$/) { }
2 0 elsif ($Module::Dependency::Indexer::check_shebang and -s $fname) { }
129 2 0 if (open F, "<$fname") { }
132 2 0 if $first_line =~ /^#!.*perl/
134 0 2 if /\.t$/ and $first_line =~ /^\s*(use\s+|#|package|$)/
141 6 16 if ($is eq 'script') { }
16 0 elsif ($is eq 'module') { }
147 0 6 if (my $prev = $$Module::Dependency::Indexer::UNIFIED{'allobjects'}{$key}) { }
160 0 16 if (my $prev = $$Module::Dependency::Indexer::UNIFIED{'allobjects'}{$key})
174 0 0 if ($prev_file eq $curr_file)
180 0 0 files_indentical($$prev_obj{'filerootdir'}, $curr_file) ? :
186 0 0 if $f1 eq $f2
187 0 0 unless defined(my $s1 = -s $f1)
188 0 0 unless defined(my $s2 = -s $f2)
189 0 0 if $s1 != $s2
200 22 0 unless $file =~ m[/]
213 0 22 unless (open FILE, $file)
218 12 130 if ($in_pod)
219 2 10 if /^=cut/
224 16 114 if (/^\s*package\s+([\w\:]+)\s*;/)
226 0 16 if (exists $$self{'package'})
234 56 74 if (/^\s*use\s+([\w\:]+)/)
235 56 0 unless $seen{$1}++
239 2 128 if (/^\s*require\s+([^\s;]+)/)
241 2 0 if ($required =~ /^([\w\:]+)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($required =~ /^["'](.*?\.pm)["']$/) { }
242 2 0 unless $seen{$required}++
247 0 0 unless $seen{$required}++
250 0 0 unless m[sys/] or / or $required =~ /^5\./
258 2 128 if (/^\s*use\s+base\s+(.*)/)
270 0 2 if $@
272 0 0 unless $seen{$mod}++
276 2 128 if /^=\w+/ and not /^=cut/
277 0 130 if /^\s*__(END|DATA)__/
287 0 16 unless my $self = _parseFile($file, $rootdir)
289 0 16 unless ($$self{'package'})
299 0 6 unless my $self = _parseFile($file, $rootdir)
303 0 6 if $$self{'package'} and $$self{'package'} ne 'main'