Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 64 192 33.3

line true false branch
11 0 8 if ($HAS_PROVIDER) { }
82 8 8 grep(/^-base$/i, @_) ? :
85 8 8 unless (defined $default_class)
93 8 8 unless (grep /^-base$/i, @_)
96 0 16 if ($_[$ii] eq '-package') { }
102 8 0 if @args
130 56 13 if $class->can('new')
132 13 0 if $class->can('new')
134 0 0 if $class->can('new')
139 0 0 if ($$self{'block_list'})
147 0 20 ref $_[0] eq $default_class ? :
156 0 0 if @_ > 1
158 0 0 if @_ and not $_[0] =~ /^[a-zA-Z]\w*$/
165 0 0 $section_name ? :
168 0 0 unless wantarray
170 0 0 if $self->_filters_delay
173 0 0 unless $block->is_filtered
183 0 0 if (@$list == 0)
188 0 0 if (defined $block and not $block->is_filtered)
202 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
207 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
237 3 0 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
252 0 0 if eval { do { require Text::Diff; 1 } } and $Text::Diff::VERSION >= 0.35
261 14 0 unless $HAS_PROVIDER
262 14 0 if ($ENV{'TEST_SHOW_NO_DIFFS'} or not defined $actual or not defined $expected or $actual eq $expected or not $self->have_text_diff or not $expected =~ /\n./s) { }
272 0 0 unless defined $name
282 0 0 unless $block->is_filtered
289 3 0 if @_ == 2
290 0 0 unless my $block = $self->first_block
293 0 0 unless $$block{'_section_order'}[0]
295 0 0 unless @names == 2
301 0 3 unless $Have_Plan
305 0 0 unless $Have_Plan or $DIED or not $import_called
314 0 0 unless exists $$block{$x} and exists $$block{$y}
315 0 0 unless $block->is_filtered
316 0 0 if (ref $block->$x) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $block->$y eq 'Regexp') { }
317 0 0 $block->name ? :
321 0 0 ref $y ? :
322 0 0 $block->name ? :
325 0 0 $block->name ? :
336 0 12 unless exists $$block{$x} and exists $$block{$y}
337 12 0 unless $block->is_filtered
338 12 0 $block->name ? :
349 0 0 unless exists $$block{$x} and exists $$block{$y}
350 0 0 unless $block->is_filtered
351 0 0 $block->name ? :
362 0 0 unless exists $$block{$x} and defined $y
363 0 0 unless $block->is_filtered
364 0 0 ref $y ? :
365 0 0 $block->name ? :
376 0 0 unless exists $$block{$x} and defined $y
377 0 0 unless $block->is_filtered
378 0 0 ref $y ? :
379 0 0 $block->name ? :
388 0 0 unless eval "require $module; 1"
405 0 0 unless exists $$block{$x} and exists $$block{$y}
406 0 0 unless $block->is_filtered
407 0 0 $block->name ? :
415 3 0 unless $spec =~ s/\A\s*<<<(.*?)>>>\s*$//ms
419 0 0 if $@
442 0 13 if (exists $$block{'ONLY'})
443 0 0 unless $self->_no_diag_on_only
447 1 12 if exists $$block{'SKIP'}
449 0 12 if (exists $$block{'LAST'})
458 0 30 if $$reserved_section_names{$id} or $id =~ /^_/
468 0 13 unless $hunk =~ s/\A\Q$cd\E[ \t]*(.*)\s+//
473 13 0 unless ($description =~ /\S/)
484 0 30 unless defined $value
485 0 30 unless defined $filters
486 1 29 if ($filters =~ /:(\s|\z)/)
487 0 1 if $value =~ /\S/
490 0 1 unless defined $value
506 0 3 if $self->_spec_string
510 0 3 if (my $spec_file = $self->_spec_file) { }
511 0 0 unless open FILE, $spec_file
530 10 15 if $done
533 0 263 if $status < 0
534 5 258 if (/^__(?:END|DATA)__\r?$/)
549 0 0 unless @_
585 0 30 if defined &$accessor
588 0 98 if (@_)
591 0 98 unless $$self{$accessor}
593 26 72 wantarray ? :
608 14 135 unless defined &$accessor
616 0 12 if $self->is_filtered
623 0 67 $filter =~ s/=(.*)$// ? :
627 11 56 if (defined &$function) { }
628 0 11 @value == 1 && !defined($value[0]) ? :
633 1 10 if (not @value or @value == 1 and defined $value[0] and $value[0] =~ /\A(\d+|)\z/)
636 0 1 if ($value[0] and $_ eq $old)
644 0 56 unless $filter_object->can($filter)
663 13 13 unless ref $map_filters
671 0 69 unless length $filter
672 1 68 if ($filter =~ s/^-//) { }
0 68 elsif ($filter =~ s/^\+//) { }