Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 26 80.7

line true false branch
54 3 3 if (defined $file and $file =~ /\.pm$/)
55 3 0 if ($$self{$IS_FIRST_STATEMENT})
58 1 2 unless (defined $statement and $statement->isa('PPI::Statement::Package'))
72 1 6 unless ($package->isa('PPI::Statement::Package'))
81 6 0 if ($namespace and $$self{$MATCHES_NAME})
82 1 5 unless ($namespace =~ /$$self{$MATCHES_NAME}/)
90 6 0 if ($$self{$MAX_PER_FILE})
92 1 5 if ($$self{'count'} > $$self{$MAX_PER_FILE})
100 6 0 if $namespace
110 2 3 if ($$self{$MATCHES_FILENAME} and $file)
111 2 0 if ($file =~ /\.pm$/)
118 1 1 if ($real_file eq $fake_file)
124 1 1 unless ($ok_filename)