Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 20 80.0

line true false branch
35 1 2 if ($position)
36 0 1 unless is_valid_position($position)
50 3 4 if ($$self{$MATCHES_NAME})
52 1 2 if ($name and not $name =~ /$$self{$MATCHES_NAME}/)
59 4 3 if ($$self{$POSITION})
62 4 0 if ($$self{$POSITION} eq 'alone') { }
73 3 1 if ($prev and $prev->location->[0] == $label->location->[0] or $next and $next->location->[0] == $label->location->[0])
82 0 0 if ($next and $next->location->[0] != $label->location->[0])
98 5 1 if ($$self{$REQUIRE_FOR_BREAK} and $break->first_token->content =~ /^last|next|redo$/)
108 4 1 if ($next and not $next->isa('PPI::Token::Word') or $next and $next->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and $next->content =~ /^if|unless$/)