Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 60 61.6

line true false branch
75 0 12 if (my $versions = $me->d->{'versions'})
97 0 20 if /(?:^Build|\bMakefile)\.PL$/
0 12 unless $me->d->{'files_array'}
101 0 20 if /\.PL$/ and not m[^t[\\/]]
0 12 unless $me->d->{'files_array'}
112 0 0 if $test_modules{$module}
118 48 0 $uses{'test'}{$relationship} ? :
125 0 0 if ($skip{$requirement} or $requirement =~ /^(?:inc|t)::/ or $phase eq "test" and $test_modules{$requirement})
133 2 190 if (%$requirements) { }
139 46 2 unless %{$uses{$phase};}
155 0 9 unless $ctx->{'errors'}
0 9 if (@{[] unless $ctx->{'errors'};})
162 0 9 if ($ctx->{'perl6'})
169 34 2 unless %$hash
196 11 9 unless exists $files->{$file}{'module'}
197 0 9 if $files->{$file}{'unreadable'}
198 0 9 if $files->{$file}{'perl6'}
199 0 9 if $file =~ /\.pod$/
203 2 7 if (defined $required_perl)
205 2 0 if "version"->parse($required_perl)->numify >= $perl_version_with_implicit_stricture
209 7 0 if &none(sub { exists $requires->{$_}; } , @STRICT_EQUIV, @STRICT_WARNINGS_EQUIV)
211 7 5 if (@no_strict)
235 11 9 unless exists $files->{$file}{'module'}
236 0 9 if $files->{$file}{'unreadable'}
237 0 9 if $files->{$file}{'perl6'}
238 0 9 if $file =~ /\.pod$/
242 2 7 if (defined $required_perl)
244 0 2 if "version"->parse($required_perl)->numify >= $perl_version_with_implicit_use_warnings
246 9 0 if &none(sub { exists $requires->{$_}; } , @WARNINGS_EQUIV, @STRICT_WARNINGS_EQUIV)
248 9 3 if (@no_warnings)