Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 28 64.2

line true false branch
23 4 8 if (-e $manifest_file) { }
25 0 4 unless open my $fh, "<", $manifest_file
29 0 7 if /^\s*#/
30 0 7 if (s/^'(\\[\\']|.+)+'\s*.*/$1/) { }
35 0 7 unless $_
41 0 4 unless $me->d->{'files_hash'}
45 1 3 if ($diff->count == 0 and not @dupes) { }
53 3 0 if (my(@added) = @{$diff->added;})
56 1 2 if (my(@deleted) = @{$diff->deleted;})
59 0 3 if (@dupes)
66 1 2 if ($me->d->{'is_local_distribution'} and $me->d->{'error'}{'symlinks'})
69 0 1 if (@symlinks) { }
92 1 11 +(shift())->{'manifest_matches_dist'} ? :
96 0 0 unless ref $error