Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 763 1370 55.6

line true false branch
37 0 80 if $self->{'action'} and $self->{'action'} ne "Build_PL"
43 10 70 if (grep {not $_;} $self->check_prereq, $self->check_autofeatures)
50 10 0 unless ($self->dist_name eq "Module-Build" or $ENV{'PERL5_CPANPLUS_IS_RUNNING'} or $ENV{'PERL5_CPAN_IS_RUNNING'})
68 5 64 unless $self->module_name
80 0 478 unless $self->{'properties'}{'_added_to_INC'}
88 0 475 unless ($package->isa($self->build_class))
93 0 0 unless ($build_class->can("new"))
94 0 0 unless eval "require $build_class; 1"
99 0 376 unless ($self->_perl_is_same($self->{'properties'}{'perl'}))
111 376 0 unless ($self->allow_mb_mismatch)
113 0 376 if ($mb_version ne $self->{'properties'}{'mb_version'})
164 2934 498 if -e $file
165 0 3432 if (exists $p->{$_})
178 0 558 unless $p->{'perl'} = $self->find_perl_interpreter
185 8 550 if defined $p->{'dist_author'} and not ref $p->{'dist_author'}
188 0 558 if defined $p->{'prereq'}
189 2 556 if defined $p->{'scripts'}
193 1116 0 if exists $p->{$_}
198 3 555 if exists $p->{$_} and not ref $p->{$_}
202 0 558 if $p->{'add_to_cleanup'}
211 78 90 if ref $self and $self->verbose || !$self->quiet
215 23 4758 if ref $self and $self->verbose
219 0 790 if ref $self and $self->debug
225 0 103 if (@_ and not $_[-1] =~ /\n$/) { }
238 0 69 unless my $r = $self->recurse_into
241 0 69 if (not ref $r and $r eq "auto")
243 0 0 unless opendir DH, $self->base_dir
247 0 0 unless -d $subdir
248 0 0 if -e "File::Spec"->catfile($subdir, "Build.PL")
267 21 7 if (/^[^\s*?!\$<>;\\|'"\[\]\{\}]+$/) { }
283 2550 0 if ($self->have_forkpipe) { }
286 2305 245 if ($pid) { }
287 199 2106 wantarray ? :
289 0 245 unless defined $pid
315 0 766 if ($ENV{'PERL_CORE'})
329 4018 291 if defined $known_perl
346 54 237 ref $proto ? :
354 291 0 if "File::Spec"->file_name_is_absolute($perl)
364 0 291 if ($ENV{'PERL_CORE'}) { }
373 0 0 if (defined $perl_src and length $perl_src)
397 291 0 if (defined $exe)
398 0 291 unless $thisperl =~ /$exe$/i
401 245 0 if (-f $thisperl and $proto->_perl_is_same($thisperl))
417 7 0 if ('File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($command)) { }
423 0 0 if $abs = $self->_maybe_command($abs)
431 0 7 if -x $file and not -d $file
448 0 0 if $self->_is_unattended
451 0 0 if defined $answer
457 1 8 unless my $mess = shift()
462 3 5 if @_
464 2 1 defined $def[0] ? :
3 5 scalar @def ? :
471 2 6 if ($self->_is_unattended and not @def)
480 4 2 unless (defined $ans and length $ans)
483 3 1 scalar @def ? :
493 1 4 unless $mess
494 1 3 if $def and not $def =~ /^[yn]/i
500 2 0 if $answer =~ /^y/i
501 0 0 if $answer =~ /^n/i
512 0 4 @_ ? :
519 2 0 if (@_)
521 0 2 if ($ph->{'features'}->exists($key))
525 1 1 if (my $info = $ph->{'auto_features'}->access($key))
528 4 1 if $type eq "description" or $type eq "recommends" or not exists $info->{$type}
533 0 1 if (not $status->{'ok'} xor $type =~ /conflicts$/)
534 0 1 unless (eval "require $modname; 1")
548 0 0 grep(/^(?:\w+_)?(?:requires|conflicts)$/, keys %$failures) ? :
550 0 0 $disabled ? :
554 0 0 wantarray ? :
561 0 56 if (($self->module_name || '') eq 'Module::Build') { }
584 1 1 unless grep {$_ eq $elem;} @$elems
589 60 1 unless $self->has_config_data
591 0 1 unless my $module_name = $self->module_name
596 0 1 if $self->up_to_date(["Build.PL", $self->config_file("config_data"), $self->config_file("features")], $notes_pm)
645 574 1185 exists $additive_properties{$_}{'ARRAY'} ? :
649 2077 4221 exists $additive_properties{$_}{'HASH'} ? :
654 1 26368 if $class->valid_property($property)
656 12736 13632 @_ == 1 ? :
663 2073 19844 $type eq 'ARRAY' ? :
4445 21917 $type eq 'HASH' ? :
6 26362 $type eq 'CODE' ? :
665 6524 19844 if $type
668 20448 5920 unless ($class->can($property))
670 2965 17483 $type eq 'HASH' ? :
698 48470 2466 unless exists $self->{'properties'}{$prop}
704 0 4004 unless exists $self->{'properties'}{$prop}
709 0 8586 unless exists $self->{'properties'}{$prop}
725 0 1269 unless (ref $self)
731 1261 8 unless @_
734 4 4 if (defined $_[0] and not ref $_[0]) { }
735 1 3 if (@_ == 1) { }
3 0 elsif (@_ % 2 == 0) { }
736 1 0 exists $$prop{$_[0]} ? :
740 3 0 if &$check($self)
746 1 3 if defined $_[0] and ref $_[0] ne "HASH"
749 2 0 if &$check($self)
764 0 11337 unless (ref $self)
770 11138 199 unless @_
772 196 0 if &$check($self)
895 967 6940 ref $self ? :
896 30 7877 unless @_
899 7877 0 unless @_
912 1 42178 unless defined($current = shift @in_stack) and $current->isa("Module::Build::Base")
915 31497 10681 if $current eq "Module::Build::Base"
920 0 10683 if substr($c, 0, 2) eq "::"
923 1 10682 $seen{$c}++ ? :
940 0 42 if @_
941 0 42 unless exists $p->{$_}
942 42 0 ref $p->{$_} ? :
951 7 15 if -e $build_dir
954 0 6 unless $opts{'code'} or $opts{'class'}
964 0 22 unless -d $filedir
966 0 22 unless open my $fh, ">", $filename
978 0 22 if $@
986 0 5 if $p->{'module_name'}
987 0 5 if ($p->{'dist_version_from'} and -e $p->{'dist_version_from'}) { }
996 5 0 if (-e $mod_path or -e "lib/$mod_path") { }
1014 162 63 if defined $p->{$me}
1016 0 63 unless $self->module_name
1029 69 72 unless (defined $p->{$me})
1030 0 69 $self->_is_dev_version ? :
1033 0 141 unless ($p->{$me} =~ qr/\A(?:stable|testing|unstable)\z/)
1037 0 141 if ($p->{$me} eq "stable" and $self->_is_dev_version)
1049 18 22 if defined $p->{$me}
1051 13 9 if ($self->release_status eq 'stable') { }
1056 0 9 $self->_is_dev_version ? :
1067 170 0 if ($self->module_name)
1079 311 63 if defined $p->{$me}
1081 63 0 if (my $dist_version_from = $self->dist_version_from)
1083 0 63 unless my $pm_info = "Module::Metadata"->new_from_file($version_from)
1087 0 63 unless (defined $p->{$me})
1094 0 63 unless defined $p->{$me}
1106 2 197 $@ ? :
1116 67 57 if defined $p->{$member}
1118 0 57 unless my $docfile = $self->_main_docfile
1120 0 57 unless open my $fh, "<", $docfile
1144 0 0 if -f $f
1150 51 0 unless $unlink_list_for_pid{$$}
1151 0 0 unless -e $f
1166 50 1 wantarray ? :
1171 0 504 unless -d $self->config_dir
1178 0 478 unless my $file = $self->config_file("build_params")
1180 0 478 unless open my $fh, "<", $file
1182 0 478 if $@
1198 0 18 unless open my $fh, ">", $file
1199 6 12 unless (ref $data)
1212 0 6 unless -d $self->{'properties'}{'config_dir'}
1236 0 0 unless ($packlist)
1239 0 0 if ($mod =~ qr/$re/)
1246 0 0 $packlist ? :
1255 69 0 unless "inc::latest"->can("loaded_modules")
1259 0 0 if ($@)
1281 0 0 if (not $lookup) { }
1289 0 0 $prereq ? :
1299 80 0 unless %$features
1303 0 0 unless my(@str) = @_
1309 0 0 if $len[$i] > $max
1323 0 0 if ($num_disabled) { }
1341 0 0 if (my $failures = $self->prereq_failures($info)) { }
1342 0 0 grep(/^(?:\w+_)?(?:requires|conflicts)$/, keys %$failures) ? :
1344 0 0 $disabled ? :
1347 0 0 unless exists $failures->{$type}
1352 0 0 $type =~ /^(?:\w+_)?(?:requires|conflicts)$/ ? :
1354 0 0 $required ? :
1361 0 0 if $disabled or $self->verbose
1372 7 4 if ($self->dist_name ne "Module-Build" and $self->auto_configure_requires and not exists $p->{'configure_requires'}{'Module::Build'})
1388 0 11 if ("inc::latest"->can("loaded_module"))
1390 0 0 if exists $p->{'configure_requires'}{$mod}
1406 80 0 unless (defined $p->{'needs_compiler'})
1407 0 80 if ($self->pureperl_only and $self->allow_pureperl) { }
1417 0 80 if ($self->needs_compiler)
1419 0 0 unless ($self->have_c_compiler)
1429 0 80 if ($self->share_dir)
1439 0 7 unless defined $version
1440 0 7 if (exists $p->{$type}{$module})
1441 0 0 if $self->compare_versions($version, "<=", $p->{$type}{$module})
1462 1 44 if ($type =~ /^(?:\w+_)?conflicts$/) { }
5 39 elsif ($type =~ /^(?:\w+_)?recommends$/) { }
1463 1 0 unless $status->{'ok'}
1468 0 5 if $status->{'ok'}
1469 5 0 !ref($status->{'have'}) && $status->{'have'} eq '' ? :
1473 10 29 if $status->{'ok'}
1488 410 0 if ($self->can($type))
1490 20 390 if %$prereq
1501 0 80 unless $info
1507 10 70 if ($failures) { }
1511 10 40 if keys %$prereqs
1514 5 5 $type =~ /^(?:\w+_)?recommends$/ ? :
1530 7 0 $^V ? :
1535 7 0 if grep(/\./, $version) < 2
1544 0 148 unless defined $spec
1545 143 5 if ($spec =~ /^\s*([\w.]+)\s*$/) { }
1554 21 0 defined $spec ? :
1555 0 21 unless $status->{'ok'}
1559 12 9 if (defined $INC{$path}) { }
0 9 elsif (exists $INC{$path}) { }
1574 0 154 if ($modname eq 'perl') { }
68 86 elsif (eval { do { no strict; $status{'have'} = ${"${modname}::VERSION";} } }) { }
1582 6 80 unless (defined $pm_info)
1588 0 80 if ($spec and not defined $status{'have'})
1597 0 148 unless my($op, $version) = /^\s* (<=?|>=?|==|!=) \s* ([\w.]+) \s*$/x
1600 0 148 if $modname eq "perl"
1603 88 60 if $op eq ">=" and not $version
1605 29 31 unless ($self->compare_versions($status{'have'}, $op, $version))
1619 25 36 unless eval { do { $v1->isa("version") } }
1623 0 61 if $@
1634 0 0 if ($status->{'ok'})
1635 0 0 if $status->{'have'} and "$status->{'have'}" ne ""
1679 4540 245 if @default_inc
1683 40 205 ref $self ? :
1700 0 6 if (-f $self->metafile)
1708 0 6 if $self->is_windowsish
1714 69 0 unless $self->is_vmsish
1722 6 0 $INC[-1] eq '.' ? :
1799 12 0 if ($self->delete_filetree($f))
1805 6 0 if ($self->try_require("CPAN::Meta", "2.142060"))
1807 12 0 unless -f $file
1809 0 0 if $meta_obj
1816 0 6 if ($meta_obj) { }
1832 0 6 unless @created
1848 6 0 if ($self->delete_filetree($build_script))
1854 0 6 unless open my $fh, ">", $build_script
1865 2 78 unless -e "MANIFEST"
1874 0 78 if (my(@missed) = ExtUtils::Manifest::manicheck()) { }
1887 130 0 if (@_)
1889 2 128 $p{'args'} ? :
1897 0 0 unless $self->{'action'}
1905 84 398 if $self->{'_completed_actions'}{$action}++
1909 0 398 unless $method
1927 114 456 unless ref $self
1930 446 10 unless $specs and %$specs
1943 0 40 if $self->valid_property($k)
1946 30 10 defined $v->{'type'} ? :
1947 0 40 if exists $v->{'store'}
1948 10 30 if exists $v->{'default'}
1955 10 0 if (@specs)
1969 57 480 ref $v eq 'ARRAY' ? :
99 537 ref $v eq 'HASH' ? :
1977 4 4 wantarray ? :
8 48 unless @_
1979 0 48 if @_
1991 0 693 if grep(($tr_opt =~ /^(?:no_?)?$_$/), ("create_license", "create_makefile_pl", "create_readme", "extra_compiler_flags", "extra_linker_flags", "install_base", "install_path", "meta_add", "meta_merge", "test_files", "use_rcfile", "use_tap_harness", "tap_harness_args", "cpan_client", "pureperl_only", "allow_pureperl"))
2020 58 346 if (exists $args->{$key} and not $singular_argument{$key}) { }
2021 58 0 unless ref $args->{$key}
2054 0 289 if (grep(($opt =~ /^no[-_]?$_$/), @bool_opts))
2060 288 1 unless grep(($_ eq $opt), @bool_opts)
2067 0 1 if @$argv and $argv->[0] =~ /^\d+$/
2083 115 289 if (/^(?:--)?($opt_re)=(.*)$/) { }
289 0 elsif (/^--($opt_re)$/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^($opt_re)$/ and not defined $action) { }
2097 0 1140 if exists $args{$_}
2102 0 570 if exists $args{$_} and not ref $args{$_}
2107 9067 58 unless exists $args{$_}
2110 0 58 unless ref $args{$_}
2112 0 116 unless $arg =~ /($opt_re)=(.*)/
2121 1710 0 unless defined $args{$key}
2126 570 0 unless defined $args{$key}
2129 0 0 unless defined $args{$key}{$subkey}
2131 0 0 if ($subkey eq 'html') { }
2140 0 570 if ($args{'makefile_env_macros'})
2162 0 0 if (exists $opts1->{$key}) { }
2163 0 0 if (ref $val eq "HASH")
2165 0 0 unless exists $opts1->{$key}{$k}
2179 452 0 if $ENV{'HOME'}
2182 0 0 if $ENV{'HOMEDRIVE'} and $ENV{'HOMEPATH'}
2189 452 0 wantarray ? :
2197 0 445 if -e $path
2207 4 452 unless $self->use_rcfile
2210 0 452 if (exists $ENV{'MODULEBUILDRC'} and $ENV{'MODULEBUILDRC'} eq 'NONE') { }
0 452 elsif (exists $ENV{'MODULEBUILDRC'} and -e $ENV{'MODULEBUILDRC'}) { }
0 452 elsif (exists $ENV{'MODULEBUILDRC'}) { }
2221 452 0 unless $modulebuildrc
2224 0 0 unless open my $fh, "<", $modulebuildrc
2231 0 0 unless length $line
2233 0 0 if ($line =~ /^\S/) { }
2234 0 0 if ($buffer)
2245 0 0 if ($buffer)
2254 0 0 if ($action eq "fakeinstall" and not exists $options{'fakeinstall'})
2275 0 912 if defined $action
2281 8 932 if $self->valid_property($key)
2284 0 940 if ($key eq 'config') { }
2289 6 932 $self->valid_property($key) ? :
2 938 $additive{$key} ? :
2291 2 938 if ($additive{$key}) { }
2304 1 455 if $ENV{'PERL_MB_OPT'}
2328 1097 11448 if /^ACTION_(\w+)/
2332 12 15 wantarray ? :
2338 2 13 unless $actions->{$action}
2344 0 49 unless $file = $INC{$file . ".pm"}
2345 0 49 unless open my $fh, "<", $file
2353 21 74103 if /^=head1 ACTIONS\s/
2359 10 5661 if /^=head1 /
2362 11 5650 if (/^=(item|head2)\s+\Q$action\E\b/)
2368 38 11 unless $style
2371 8 3 if ($style eq 'item') { }
2374 8 56 if (/^=(item|back)/)
2375 8 0 unless $inlist
2378 0 56 if /^=over/
2379 0 56 if /^=back/
2385 3 15 if /^=(?:head[12]|cut)/
2393 0 13 unless ($files_found)
2397 3 10 unless (@docs)
2436 0 0 if $len > $mod_len
2439 0 0 if $len > $ver_len
2444 0 0 if $type =~ /^(\w+_)?conflicts$/
2453 0 0 $type =~ /^(\w+_)?conflicts$/ ? :
2464 0 0 $mod->{'ok'} ? :
2467 0 0 defined $mod->{'have'} ? :
2477 0 0 if (@{$self->{'args'}{'ARGV'};})
2479 0 0 $@ ? :
2520 0 0 unless ref $_
0 0 if @INC > 100
2545 2 0 wantarray ? :
2 0 defined $t ? :
2556 0 32 if @_ % 2
2563 30 2 exists $args{'type'} ? :
2 30 exists $args{'types'} ? :
2565 0 32 unless @types
2569 9 23 defined $p->{'test_types'} ? :
2574 0 36 unless defined $test_types{$type}
2578 25 11 ref $_ ? :
2590 0 0 unless ref $_
0 32 if @INC > 100
2604 32 0 if (@$tests) { }
2606 5 27 if ($self->use_tap_harness or $args and %$args) { }
2608 0 5 if ($aggregate->has_errors)
2654 0 32 if -e ""
2661 0 32 if $self->{'properties'}{'debugger'}
2662 0 32 if $self->{'properties'}{'cover'}
2669 2 2 if (@_)
2670 1 1 @_ == 1 ? :
2679 3 30 if $self->recursive_test_files
2694 0 0 unless ("Module::Metadata"->find_module_by_name("Devel::Cover"))
2704 0 0 if (-e "cover_db")
2707 0 0 if -f $_
2709 0 0 unless $self->up_to_date($pm_files, $cover_files) and $self->up_to_date($self->test_files, $cover_files)
2728 0 64 if (my $split = $self->autosplit)
2729 0 0 ref $split ? :
2734 1 439 unless $self->can($method)
2752 125 1 $self->can($method) ? :
2762 64 0 unless $p->{'c_source'}
2763 0 0 if $self->pureperl_only and $self->allow_pureperl
2766 0 0 if (ref $p->{'c_source'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
2784 59 2 unless $files
2800 59 3 unless $share_dir
2803 3 0 if ($share_dir->{'dist'})
2808 3 0 if ($share_dir->{'module'})
2837 6 0 unless ($self->up_to_date($file, $to))
2838 0 6 unless $self->run_perl_script($file, [], [@$to])
2846 2 62 if $self->pureperl_only and $self->allow_pureperl
2848 2 60 if %$files and $self->pureperl_only
2851 2 17 unless ($from eq $to)
2865 47 14 unless keys %$files
2871 8 9 unless my $result = $self->copy_if_modified($file, $script_dir, "flatten")
2872 9 0 unless $self->is_vmsish
2879 3 61 if (my $files = $self->{'properties'}{'PL_files'})
2882 0 3 if (ref $files eq 'ARRAY') { }
3 0 elsif (ref $files eq 'HASH') { }
2890 1 4 ref $to ? :
2900 1 60 unless -d "lib"
2913 61 0 if (my $files = $self->script_files)
2927 2 32 if (my $files = $p->{'test_files'}) { }
2928 0 2 if ref $files eq "HASH"
2929 1 3 -d $_ ? :
2939 0 32 if -e ""
2940 32 0 if -e "t" and -d _
2948 5 290 if (my $files = $self->{'properties'}{"${type}_files"})
2953 4 286 unless -d $dir
2972 9 0 ref $self ? :
2976 0 9 unless open my $FIXIN, "<", $file
2979 2 7 unless $line =~ s/^\s*\#!\s*//
2982 0 7 unless $cmd =~ /perl/i
2987 7 0 if $does_shbang
2989 0 7 unless open my $FIXOUT, ">", "$"
2999 0 7 unless rename $file, "$file.bak"
3002 0 7 unless rename "$", $file
3005 0 7 unless $self->delete_filetree("$file.bak")
3008 0 7 if $c->get("eunicefix") ne ":"
3017 0 0 unless eval "use Test::Pod 0.95; 1"
3021 0 0 unless my(@files) = sort(keys %{$self->_find_pods($self->libdoc_dirs);}, keys %{$self->_find_pods($self->bindoc_dirs, "exclude", [$self->file_qr("\\.bat\$")]);})
3038 0 0 unless eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.00; 1"
3067 8 21 unless (exists $self->{'_is_ActivePerl'})
3076 5 4 unless (exists $self->{'_is_ActivePPM'})
3085 0 28 unless $self->_mb_feature("manpage_support")
3089 1 27 $self->{'properties'}{'extra_manify_args'} ? :
3092 32 24 unless $self->invoked_action eq "manpages" or $self->_is_default_installable("${type}doc")
3095 6 18 unless %$files
3098 18 0 if defined $sub
3109 0 6 unless keys %$files
3122 10 8 if $self->up_to_date($file, $outfile)
3124 0 8 unless eval { do { $parser->parse_from_file($file, $outfile); 1 } }
3136 0 12 unless keys %$files
3149 8 9 if $self->up_to_date($file, $outfile)
3151 0 9 unless eval { do { $parser->parse_from_file($file, $outfile); 1 } }
3162 1 86 unless -e $dir
3166 0 176 if $file =~ /$regexp/
3169 80 157 if $self->contains_pod($file)
3177 129 117 unless -T $file
3179 0 117 unless open my $fh, "<", $file
3181 87 670 if $line =~ /^\=(?:head|pod|item)/
3190 0 28 unless $self->_mb_feature("HTML_support")
3195 52 4 unless $self->invoked_action eq "html" or $self->_is_default_installable("${type}html")
3212 0 10 unless %$pods
3214 7 3 unless (-d $htmldir)
3215 0 7 unless File::Path::mkpath($htmldir, 0, 493)
3219 0 5 $self->installdirs eq 'core' ? :
5 5 $type eq 'bin' ? :
3222 0 10 $ENV{'PERL_CORE'} ? :
3226 0 10 unless (defined $self->args("html_links") and not $self->args("html_links"))
3235 0 0 $ENV{'PERL_CORE'} ? :
3244 0 10 if ($with_ActiveState = $self->_is_ActivePerl && eval { do { require ActivePerl::DocTools::Pod; 1 } }) { }
3249 0 0 if $tool_v and length $tool_v
3267 10 0 if scalar @dirs and $dirs[-1] eq "File::Spec"->curdir
3274 0 10 if $self->up_to_date($infile, $outfile)
3276 10 0 unless (-d $fulldir)
3277 0 10 unless File::Path::mkpath($fulldir, 0, 493)
3282 0 10 if ($with_ActiveState) { }
3284 0 0 defined $podpath ? :
3295 0 0 unless eval { do { ActivePerl::DocTools::Pod::pod2html(map({$_, $opts{$_};} sort(keys %opts))); 1 } }
3298 0 10 unless open my $fh, "<", $infile
3302 5 5 if $abstract
3304 0 10 defined $podpath ? :
0 10 $path2root ? :
3313 0 10 unless (eval { do { "Pod::Html"->VERSION("1.12") } })
3317 10 0 if (eval { do { 'Pod::Html'->VERSION(1.12) } }) { }
0 0 elsif (eval { do { 'Pod::Html'->VERSION(1.03) } }) { }
3328 0 10 unless eval { do { Pod::Html::pod2html(@opts); 1 } }
3333 0 10 unless (-r $tmpfile)
3337 0 10 unless open my $fh, "<", $tmpfile
3340 10 0 unless ($self->_is_ActivePerl)
3354 0 10 unless open $fh, ">", $outfile
3400 0 0 unless @flags
3418 0 0 unless ($installed)
3424 0 0 if $status == 0
3425 0 0 if $status == -1
3427 0 0 if ($file =~ /$text_suffix/) { }
3452 0 0 if ($self->_is_ActivePerl and $self->{'_completed_actions'}{'html'})
3454 0 0 $self->verbose ? :
0 0 unless eval { do { ActivePerl::DocTools::WriteTOC("verbose", $self->verbose ? 1 : 0); 1 } }
3457 0 9 if ($self->_is_ActivePPM)
3479 0 0 if ($eui_version < "1.32")
3494 0 0 unless eval { do { require only; "only"->VERSION("0.25"); 1 } }
3498 0 0 exists $self->{'args'}{$_} ? :
3509 0 2 unless ($info)
3515 0 2 unless ($failures)
3523 4 0 if ($type =~ /^(?:\w+_)?requires$/)
3529 0 0 if $self->y_n("Install $module?", "y")
3533 0 2 unless @install
3539 1 1 unless ("File::Spec"->file_name_is_absolute($command))
3549 0 7 if (defined $abs_cmd)
3607 6 18 if exists $types{$type} and not defined $types{$type}
3610 3 15 unless -e $dir
3614 21 18 unless -f $file
3620 18 0 exists $types{$type} ? :
3644 0 0 unless (eval { do { require PAR::Dist; "PAR::Dist"->VERSION("0.17") } })
3675 0 0 unless $self->invoked_action eq "distclean"
3681 0 0 unless @$missing or @$extra
3684 0 0 if ($self->invoked_action eq 'distcheck') { }
3705 0 0 unless ($skip_factory and &$skip_factory($maniskip)->($file))
3715 30 0 unless ref $lines
3718 8 22 unless defined $existing_files
3720 0 22 unless @$lines = grep({not exists $existing_files->{$_};} @$lines)
3724 0 22 unless chmod $mode | 146, $manifest
3726 0 22 unless open my $fh, "<", $manifest
3731 0 22 unless open $fh, ">>", $manifest
3732 0 22 unless $has_newline
3743 0 5 unless (eval { do { require Module::Signature; 1 } })
3751 0 5 unless -e $manifest
3764 0 18 unless chdir $dir
3766 0 18 $@ ? :
3767 0 18 unless chdir $start_dir
3768 0 18 if @err
3775 0 0 unless -d $self->dist_dir
3800 0 1 if ($@)
3811 0 0 unless ($self->_mb_feature("license_creation"))
3816 0 0 unless my $l = $self->license
3819 0 0 unless my $license = $self->_software_license_object
3827 0 0 unless open my $fh, ">", "LICENSE"
3840 0 6 unless ($docfile)
3850 0 6 if (eval { do { require Pod::Readme; 'Pod::Readme'->can('new') } }) { }
6 0 elsif (eval { do { require Pod::Text; 1 } }) { }
3859 6 0 if (open my $fh, '>', 'README') { }
3872 0 0 if $_[1]
3875 0 6 if $Pod::Text::VERSION == "3.01"
3897 63 0 if (my $pm_file = $self->dist_version_from) { }
3899 10 53 -e $pod_file ? :
3917 0 10 if (@{$self->bundle_inc;} and not $self->_mb_feature("inc_bundling_support"))
3924 0 10 unless my $dist_files = $self->_read_manifest("MANIFEST")
3927 0 10 unless $dist_files and keys %$dist_files
3931 0 10 unless exists $dist_files->{$metafile}
3939 0 69 if $file =~ /^MYMETA\./
3943 0 10 if @{$self->bundle_inc;}
3945 5 5 if $self->{'properties'}{'sign'}
3961 0 1 unless $self->run_perl_script("Build.PL")
3963 0 1 unless $self->run_perl_script($self->build_script)
3965 0 1 unless $self->run_perl_script($self->build_script, [], ["test"])
3977 0 0 unless $self->run_perl_script("Build.PL")
3979 0 0 unless $self->run_perl_script($self->build_script)
3981 0 0 unless $self->run_perl_script($self->build_script, [], ["install"])
4024 0 0 if -r $default_maniskip
4045 0 0 unless open my $fh, "<$mode", $file
4055 0 0 unless open my $fh, ">$mode", $file
4062 50 1 if (ref $self) { }
4064 8 42 unless defined $self->{'_case_tolerant'}
4076 0 0 unless defined $skip and length $skip
4077 0 0 unless open my $fh, ">>", $file
4087 0 1 unless open my $fh, ">", $file
4090 1 0 $self->_eumanifest_has_include ? :
4124 0 0 if (not -e $maniskip) { }
4150 0 0 if (-e "MANIFEST.SKIP")
4161 0 396 +(shift())->{'_case_tolerant'} ? :
4167 1 28 if $self->dist_suffix
4178 91 2 unless -d $dir
4181 0 2 unless opendir DH, $dir
4186 4 4 if -d $full_path
4196 0 178 if @_
4199 154 24 if (not defined $p->{'share_dir'}) { }
0 24 elsif (not ref $p->{'share_dir'}) { }
0 24 elsif (ref $p->{'share_dir'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
24 0 elsif (ref $p->{'share_dir'} eq 'HASH') { }
4214 24 0 if (defined $share_dir->{'dist'})
4215 0 24 if (not ref $share_dir->{'dist'}) { }
0 24 elsif (ref $share_dir->{'dist'} ne 'ARRAY') { }
4224 6 18 if (defined $share_dir->{'module'})
4226 6 0 if (ref $mod_hash eq 'HASH') { }
4228 0 6 if (not ref $mod_hash->{$k}) { }
0 6 elsif (ref $mod_hash->{$k} ne 'ARRAY') { }
4252 0 106 if @_
4253 93 13 unless $_
4256 0 13 if ref $_ eq "HASH"
4257 13 0 if ref $_ eq "ARRAY"
4259 0 0 if ref $_
4261 0 0 if -d $_
4267 74 19 unless $self->PL_files
4333 0 23 if ($self->valid_licenses->{$license} and eval { do { require Software::LicenseUtils; "Software::LicenseUtils"->VERSION("0.103009") } })
4335 0 0 if (@classes == 1)
4341 3 43 unless defined $l
4343 1 42 if (eval "require Software::License; Software::License->VERSION(0.014); require $trial; 1")
4353 0 23 unless defined(my $license = $self->license)
4355 22 1 unless my $class = $self->_software_license_class($license)
4360 0 1 if ($@)
4369 0 0 if (ref $h->{$k} eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $h->{$k} eq 'HASH') { }
4370 0 0 ref $v ? :
4380 0 13 if $self->create_makefile_pl
4381 0 13 if $self->create_readme
4382 0 13 if $self->create_license
4388 4 9 if $self->{'wrote_metadata'}
4392 0 9 unless ($p->{'license'})
4404 0 9 if (($self->module_name || '') eq "Module::Build")
4413 9 0 if (@created)
4426 15 0 if $meta and $meta->save("$file.yml", {"version", "1.4"})
4428 15 0 if $meta and $meta->save("$file.json")
4431 15 0 if (@created)
4440 0 15 unless $self->try_require("CPAN::Meta", "2.142060")
4448 6 9 if defined $args{'dynamic'}
4451 0 15 if ($@ and not $args{'quiet'})
4464 0 0 unless $self->try_require("CPAN::Meta", "2.110420")
4471 3 122 unless defined $version and length $version
4473 0 125 if ($version =~ /[=<>!,]/) { }
81 44 elsif (ref $version eq 'version') { }
0 44 elsif ($version =~ /^[^v][^.]*\.[^.]+\./) { }
4477 0 81 $version->is_qv ? :
4506 21 135 if (exists $p->{$type} and keys %{$$p{$type};})
4523 1 22 if (my $sl = $self->_software_license_object) { }
22 0 elsif (exists $valid_licenses->{$license}) { }
4528 20 2 $valid_licenses->{$license} ? :
4545 11 12 if $args{'auto'}
4550 0 115 unless (defined $field and length $field)
4552 0 0 if ($fatal) { }
4571 23 0 exists $p->{'dynamic_config'} ? :
4577 21 2 if defined $meta_license_url
4581 0 23 if (exists $p->{'no_index'}) { }
19 4 elsif (my $pkgs = eval { do { $self->find_dist_packages } }) { }
4584 18 1 if %$pkgs
4590 23 0 if (my $add = $self->meta_add)
4591 23 0 if (not exists $add->{'meta-spec'} or $add->{'meta-spec'}{'version'} != 2)
4593 23 0 if ('CPAN::Meta::Converter'->VERSION('2.141170')) { }
4607 23 0 if (my $merge = $self->meta_merge)
4608 23 0 if (eval { do { require CPAN::Meta::Merge } }) { }
4627 0 0 unless (ref $node eq "HASH")
4630 0 0 if $keys
4637 12 51 unless -e $file
4651 4 19 unless my $manifest = $self->_read_manifest("MANIFEST")
4681 0 18 if $package eq "main"
4682 0 18 if $package eq "DB"
4683 0 18 if grep /^_/, split(/::/, $package, 0)
4687 18 0 if ($package eq $prime_package) { }
4688 0 18 if (exists $prime{$package}) { }
4693 18 0 if defined $version
4710 0 0 if (exists $prime{$package}) { }
4712 0 0 if ($result->{'err'}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $result->{'version'}) { }
4726 0 0 if (exists $prime{$package}{'version'} and defined $prime{$package}{'version'}) { }
4730 0 0 if ($self->compare_versions($prime{$package}{'version'}, "!=", $result->{'version'}))
4753 0 0 if ($result->{'err'})
4764 0 0 if defined $result->{'version'}
4770 18 0 if ($provides->{'version'}) { }
4792 0 0 if (defined $p->{'version'})
4793 0 0 if (defined $version) { }
4794 0 0 if ($self->compare_versions($version, '!=', $p->{'version'})) { }
4804 0 0 if defined $p->{'file'}
4807 0 0 if ($err)
4826 0 4 if ($self->{'args'}{'tar'}) { }
4827 0 0 $self->verbose ? :
4833 0 0 if $^O eq "darwin"
4834 0 0 if $^O eq "darwin"
4837 0 0 if $self->{'args'}{'gzip'}
4839 4 0 if require Archive::Tar
0 4 unless eval { do { "Archive::Tar"->VERSION("1.09") if require Archive::Tar; 1 } }
4852 0 4 grep({length $_ >= 100;} @$files) ? :
4866 8 16 if (@_ == 3)
4868 4 4 if (defined $value) { }
4876 4 12 if (@_ == 2) { }
4888 0 12 unless defined $dirs
4890 0 0 if (@_ == 4 and defined $dirs and defined $key)
4895 10 2 if (defined $dirs and defined $key) { }
2 0 elsif (defined $dirs) { }
4908 0 10 if (@_ == 3 and defined $key)
4913 10 0 if @_ >= 2
4922 9 12 if (@_ >= 2)
4926 9 9 if (@_) { }
4928 6 3 $list ? :
4941 6 14 if (@_ > 1)
4946 6 12 if (@_) { }
4949 4 2 $list ? :
4961 0 15 unless defined $type
4965 5 10 if (not defined $value) { }
4971 5 5 if "File::Spec::Unix"->file_name_is_absolute($value)
5020 123 954 if /$pattern/
5021 24 35 if &$pattern()
5022 10 0 ref $pattern eq 'CODE' ? :
351 10 !ref($pattern) || ref $pattern eq 'Regexp' ? :
105 361 !$pattern ? :
5032 380 200 unless -e $_
5035 0 200 if -e $_
5053 37 17 if $s->{'_cbuilder'}
5056 9 8 $self->quiet ? :
5066 19 8 if defined $p->{'_have_c_compiler'}
5071 8 0 $have ? :
5078 1 18 unless ($self->have_c_compiler)
5085 6 12 if $self->up_to_date($file, $obj_file)
5107 6 12 if $self->up_to_date([$spec->{'obj_file'}, @$objects], $spec->{'lib_file'})
5125 13 0 if (eval { do { require ExtUtils::ParseXS; 1 } }) { }
5135 0 0 unless my $xsubpp = "Module::Metadata"->find_module_by_name("ExtUtils::xsubpp")
5145 0 0 if $lib_typemap
5155 0 0 unless open my $fh, ">", $args{'outfile'}
5164 1290 538 unless defined $string
5165 115 423 if ref $string eq "ARRAY"
5167 63 360 unless length $string
5181 0 7 unless defined $switches
5182 0 7 unless defined $args
5188 0 7 ref $self ? :
5195 308 7224 unless ref $_
5204 0 3778 unless ref $args
5205 260 3518 ref $self ? :
5248 0 19 defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname ? :
5268 13 6 unless ($self->up_to_date($file, $spec->{'c_file'}))
5278 12 6 unless -d $spec->{'archdir'}
5282 12 6 unless ($self->up_to_date($file, $spec->{'bs_file'}))
5305 0 0 if not $seen{$_}++
5306 4058 0 length $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} < 500 ? :
0 4058 !exists $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} ? :
5309 0 4058 if ($status and $! =~ /Argument list too long/i)
5319 172 17 @_ > 3 ? :
5324 120 69 unless exists $args{'verbose'}
5327 0 189 unless (defined $file and length $file)
5332 1 188 if "File::Spec"->file_name_is_absolute($file)
5335 102 87 if (defined $args{'to'} and length $args{'to'}) { }
87 0 elsif (defined $args{'to_dir'} and length $args{'to_dir'}) { }
5339 18 69 $args{'flatten'} ? :
5345 45 144 if $self->up_to_date($file, $to_path)
5357 0 144 if ($^O eq 'os2') { }
5359 0 0 unless File::Copy::syscopy($file, $to_path, 1)
5361 0 144 unless File::Copy::copy($file, $to_path)
5365 6 138 $self->is_executable($file) ? :
5373 295 19 unless ref $source
5374 308 6 unless ref $derived
5377 226 88 if @$source and not @$derived or grep {not -e $_;} @$derived
5381 0 88 unless (-e $file)
5385 88 0 if -M _ < $most_recent_source
5389 1 87 if -M $derived > $most_recent_source
5403 0 51 if @second_dirs < @first_dirs
5407 0 51 $self->_case_tolerant ? :
5410 0 123 unless &$is_same(shift @first_dirs, shift @second_dirs)