Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 44 95.4

line true false branch
15 2 61 if ($self->{'side_effect'})
27 58 13 if ($_[0] and $_[0] =~ /::/)
33 3 68 if ($caller ne 'Mock::Sub::mock' and $sub_passed_in)
35 1 2 if (ref $self eq 'Mock::Sub::Child' and not $self->{'name'})
41 1 69 if ($caller ne 'Mock::Sub::mock' and $caller ne 'Mock::Sub::Child::remock')
53 3 66 unless ($sub =~ /::/)
56 1 2 if (defined &$core_sub and ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq 'START') { }
64 2 0 unless $sub =~ /::/
70 3 1 unless (exists &$sub or $sub =~ /CORE::GLOBAL/)
78 3 66 if (defined $self->{'return_value'})
83 66 3 unless $fake
99 14 74 if ($mock->{'side_effect'})
100 2 12 if (wantarray) { }
102 2 0 if @effect
106 10 1 if defined $effect
110 7 68 unless $mock->{'return'}
114 65 3 !wantarray && @{$mock->{'return'};} == 1 ? :
132 64 9 if (defined $self->{'orig'} and not $sub =~ /CORE::GLOBAL/) { }
136 4 5 if $self->{'name'}
144 10 4 (shift())->called_count ? :
151 1 5 unless ($self->called)
174 4 134 if (defined $_[1] and ref $_[1] ne 'CODE')