Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 94 28.7

line true false branch
63 0 88 *{$_;}{'CODE'} ? :
67 0 88 *{$_;}{'CODE'} ? :
77 0 128 ref $_[0] ? :
83 0 128 @_ == 1 ? :
0 128 $meta->{'HAS_BUILDARGS'} ? :
88 0 128 unless exists $args->{'file'}
96 128 0 if &Scalar::Util::blessed($to_coerce)
104 0 0 if (defined $to_coerce)
105 0 0 unless ref \$to_coerce eq "SCALAR"
121 0 0 if overload::Overloaded(ref $_[0] || $_[0])
125 0 0 unless defined $to_coerce and not ref $to_coerce
132 0 0 ref $to_coerce eq 'ARRAY' ? :
0 0 do {
0 0 do {
128 0 do {
136 0 128 unless &blessed($coerced_value) and $coerced_value->isa("Path::Tiny")
147 0 128 exists $args->{'classes'} ? :
149 0 128 unless do {
152 128 0 if (ref $value eq "HASH")
157 0 0 unless do {
159 0 0 if &Scalar::Util::blessed($i)
177 0 128 exists $args->{'class_order'} ? :
179 0 128 unless do {
182 128 0 if (ref $value eq "ARRAY")
188 0 0 unless do {
191 0 0 if (defined $i)
192 0 0 unless ref \$i eq "SCALAR"
211 0 128 if (exists $args->{'compiled'})
213 0 0 unless &blessed($args->{'compiled'}) and $args->{'compiled'}->isa("Mite::Compiled")
221 128 0 if (exists $args->{'project'})
223 0 128 unless &blessed($args->{'project'}) and $args->{'project'}->isa("Mite::Project")
229 128 0 if ref $self->{'project'}
232 0 128 unless $meta->{'BUILD'}
0 128 if not $no_build and @{[] unless $meta->{'BUILD'};}
239 0 128 if @unknown
249 0 0 unless $meta->{'BUILD'}
257 0 0 defined ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} ? :
261 0 0 unless $meta->{'DEMOLISH'}
268 0 0 if $e
310 0 100 unless @_ == 1
313 1 99 exists $_[0]{'compiled'} ? :
316 0 99 unless &blessed($default_value) and $default_value->isa("Mite::Compiled")
346 0 0 unless &blessed($_[1]) and $_[1]->isa("Mite::Project")
351 0 0 if ref $_[0]{'project'}
354 0 1385 @_ > 1 ? :
361 0 0 if exists $DOES{$role}
362 0 0 if $role eq "Mite::Source"