Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 33 51 64.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
504 0 50 0 not $spec->{'implementation'}{'methods'}{$name} and $meta->{'reader'}
43 7 0 not $spec->{'implementation'}{'methods'}{$name} and $meta->{'reader'} and $in_interface->{$name}
513 7 43 0 not $spec->{'implementation'}{'methods'}{$name} and $meta->{'writer'}
43 0 0 not $spec->{'implementation'}{'methods'}{$name} and $meta->{'writer'} and $in_interface->{$name}
552 4 0 1 exists $spec->{'implementation'}{'semiprivate'}{$called} and $caller_pkg eq ref $self

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
153 30 53 $from_role ||= {}
166 4 26 $meta->{'roles'} || []
606 77 109 $type ||= 'interface'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
61 53 0 0 $spec->{'name'} ||= "Minions::Class_${\++$Class_count;}"
73 51 2 0 $cls_stash ||= 'Package::Stash'->new($spec->{'name'})
78 4 0 45 $Bound_implementation_of{$spec->{'name'}} || $spec->{'implementation'}
194 1 1 1 defined $spec->{'implementation'}{'methods'}{$name} or defined $spec->{'implementation'}{'semiprivate'}{$name}
262 0 0 42 $in_role_interface->{$name} or $in_class_interface->{$name}
326 1 48 0 $spec->{'class_methods'} ||= $stash->get_all_symbols('CODE')
409 14 0 33 $spec->{'construct_with'}{$name}{'optional'} or defined $arg->{$name}
433 2 0 45 $spec->{'build_args'} || $spec->{'class_methods'}{'BUILDARGS'}
487 8 1 0 $r eq $spec->{'interface_name'} || $spec->{'name'} eq $r || $spec->{'composed_role'}{$r} || $self->isa($r)
593 4 10 0 $target_method->{$meth} || $meth