Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 87 100 87.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
139 0 0 ++$missing and last
235 0 198 $job = $candidate and last
236 6 8 ($jobs->{$_}{'state'} // '') ne 'finished' and next CANDIDATE

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
79 15 15 90 (!exists $options->{'queue'} || $_->{'queue'} eq $options->{'queue'}) && (!exists $options->{'state'} || $_->{'state'} eq $options->{'state'}) && (!exists $options->{'task'} || $_->{'task'} eq $options->{'task'})
81 0 0 60 ($_->{'children'} = $guard->_children($_->{'id'})) && $_
132 4 5 0 $_->{'notified'} < $after and delete $$workers{$_->{'id'}}
136 0 182 1 $job->{'parents'} and $job->{'state'} eq 'inactive'
147 99 53 31 $job->{'state'} eq 'finished' and $job->{'finished'} <= $after
155 137 1 16 $_->{'state'} eq 'active' && !exists($$workers{$_->{'worker'}})
175 91 15 0 exists $options->{$_} and $job->{$_} = $options->{$_}
190 200 5 17 $job->{'state'} eq 'active' and not $seen{$job->{'worker'}}++
192 169 52 1 $job->{'state'} eq 'inactive' and &Minion::Backend::Storable::time() < $job->{'delayed'} || @{$job->{'parents'};}
230 20 10 260 $_->{'state'} eq 'inactive' && $queues{$_->{'queue'}} && $$tasks{$_->{'task'}} && $_->{'delayed'} < $now
257 96 53 5 $fail and $job->{'attempts'} > $retries + 1
265 10 5 85 $id and my $worker = $guard->_workers->{$id}
268 170 0 15 $_->{'state'} eq 'active' && $_->{'worker'} eq $id

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
16 5 2 shift() || []
4 3 shift() || []
24 9 1 $inboxes->{$_} ||= []
36 105 67 shift() || []
26 146 shift() || {}
48 6 166 $options->{'attempts'} // 1
5 167 $options->{'delay'} // 0
2 170 $options->{'parents'} || []
5 167 $options->{'priority'} // 0
8 164 $options->{'queue'} // 'default'
98 4 1 $inboxes->{$id} || []
104 151 0 shift() || {}
111 151 0 $options->{'status'} || {}
166 25 40 shift() || {}
203 17 49 $states{'active'} // 0
11 55 $states{'failed'} // 0
28 38 $states{'finished'} // 0
41 25 $states{'inactive'} // 0
236 12 2 $jobs->{$_}{'state'} // ''
312 106 12 (shift())->_data->{'inboxes'} ||= {}
328 56 10 (shift())->_data->{'job_count'} //= 0
330 2119 12 (shift())->_data->{'jobs'} ||= {}
334 586 12 (shift())->_data->{'workers'} ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
32 199 0 38 $job || $self->_try($id, $options)
192 5 1 47 &Minion::Backend::Storable::time() < $job->{'delayed'} || @{$job->{'parents'};}
303 2331 1686 0 $_[0]{'data'} ||= retrieve($_[0]{'backend'}->file)