Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 16 93.7

line true false branch
23 2 18 ref $name_proto eq 'ARRAY' ? :
28 18 2 if @_ % 2 != 0
29 4 16 if ($mew_type and $mew_type->is_parameterized and $mew_type->parent->strictly_equals(&Types::Standard::Optional())) { }
0 18 elsif ($mew_type and $mew_type->strictly_equals(&Types::Standard::Optional())) { }
41 20 2 if ($mew_type)
43 10 10 unless $attr =~ s/^-//
45 17 3 unless exists $spec{'init_arg'}
48 6 14 $spec{'chained'} ? :